
How do I not talk to my parents.

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My parents and I got in a fight, and I still got issues to deal with. Basically the whole point of the fight was pointless because it didn't change anything with them.

So the other day they asked me something and i started feeling really bad that i have been ignoring them, and i answered them. Now they think that everything is cool, like nothing ever happened, back to giving me demands and giving me guilt trips. They can't even see that a major depressive episode has begun due to me being type 1 bipolar, and that i have just broken down more due to the fight.

They are talking to me and asking me questions and all this BS, and the reason the d**n fight begun. It is causing me A LOT OF STRESS. Talking to them is giving me a HORRIBLE headache.

How do I stop this, how do I avoid them? I am still very angry inside, and you know why the fight began last time? It was because I went to them to tell them how I feel and how my life is unfunctional, and they said "GO GET A JOB". They don't realize with my bipolar taking the train everyday for 3 hours to get to the city to work is NOT possible without medication and therapy for me. Why not get a job around my way? I totaled my car 2 months ago and there is no public transportation around here, only one train going to the city.




  1. Well since there aren't many ways for me to get around where I live I stay in my room for a really long time, only going to the bathroom or going to eat when they are in their room. When they come in you can just pretend to be sleeping or something so that they can leave you alone...if I were you I would try to get out of the house as much as possible to allow yourself some time to cool off and then when you feel less depressed, talk to them about how you're feeling and explain the reasons.. Good luck, be strong!

  2. I am not a medical health professional and this is a question that you need to ask before a trained mental health expert with your parents present.

    I will say that, from my view, you need to challenge yourself more. Your parents are right encouraging  you to work because that is how  you survive in this world. They seem to care about you and your welfare.

    God bless all of  you. Please have this talk with your parents with a medical professional there.

  3. well, keep an open mind

    they're your parents... they want you to move on with your life even though you're having a hard time right now...

    think of it this way... if you can control your body to type your problem on the web, can you also not control your body to simply put up with your parents?

    they are your parents, they will ask you questions, just tell them the problem straight up :)...

    face your challenges and defeat them... show them how strong you are

    if they say " get a job "

    show them how easily it can be done, once you've shown them what you are capable of, they will not be so nosy

    in the end, believe yourself

    take care

    you gotta find it in yourself to keep going

    good luck

  4. go live with a friend or something for like a few days.  

  5. i know what you mean  and it make you even more mad thinking  what the h**l  don't they get it in there pea brian at all  that we did not resolve anything  if your over 21  it time to pack your bags  find place you can stay  and  don't talk to them for awhile month or two give them some time to  break the ice the formed on there brain  , it not you it them and you need to tel yourself your a good person and they are the wrong ones to judge you in this way parents are not always right !

  6. I read only the first paragraph.

    You are a kid.  they are your parents.  TAKE IT !!

    You do what they say untill your are an adult.  Thats how it goes.  SUCK IT UP !!

    Dont like it? take a hike.

  7. obey your parents and go get a job.

  8. Sounds to me like you need some professional counseling.  You say you are very angry, and without some aid, your anger will just manifest itself into different areas of your life until you are all consumed.  Instead of fighting about working, I'd speak to them about getting some counseling....that will probably benefit you more than working right now.  Good luck !!

  9. there no way of avoiding them at end of the day there your perents there only two things you can d

    number one is you tell them everything that yu need space adn if they respect you they leave ou to live your life

    number two is you guilt trip them back (not the nice option) blame it all on them say they made you this way drving you to the egde at least then they no how you feel for once and mayb just mayb come to terms with you

  10. Try writing down how you feel.  Don't put your parents on the defense.  Avoid saying things like, "You make me mad when you."  That is an attack on them.  Start with "I" statements like, "I feel angry when I feel like you are not listening to me."  Once you have written down everything you want to say, check what you have written.  Is it clear and concise?  Reword anything that is a "you" statement and, make it and "I" statement.    When you feel that you have written down everything to the best of your ability, give it to your parents, or don't.  You may find that just writting down your feelings makes you feel better.  Good luck.

  11. u somethimes i hate my mom and dad... but i dont answer it.... in ur situation.... leave ur home and live to ur friend and relatives....

  12. You can't avoid them forever.You need to sit them down and calmly say 'Please listen to me,and please don't interupt.I really need to explain something to you' And tell them exactly how you feel.If they don't listen just remind them not inerupt you.Or just stare are them for a moment till they're done and continue on.I know being patient in a conversation is super,super,super hard but sometimes you need to close your eyes and breath slowly and block out what they're saying.If they don't listen write them a letter,or go talk to someone else.Even talk to your doctor. Try taking some ibuprofen before you talk to them to prevent horrible headaches. If they boss you around don't be afraid to tell them to leave you alone for a moment because you're stressed out.I understand being bipolar may affect your patience-but it wouldn't hurt to try to relax and find your happy place. If you get too depressed consult your doctor or therapist.

  13. Just leave the house and get some fresh air. It helps.  

  14. I work in a psych hospital so i see how hard living with bi polar can be for people, i think that you should make an appointment with your psychiatrist and tell him/her the problems you are having, he/she may be able to arrange a meeting with your parents.  Your parents may not know the full extent of your condition so try to educate them on it but dont use it as an excuse everytime you fly off the handle, you have to try and take some responsibility, in the mean time try finding a job i understand you say its hard to find a job close by due to transport and also your mental health, but get your self a bike the excersise will have a beneficial impact on your MH, sitting at home all day will have a very negative impact. A job does'nt have to be a 9-5 job why not start gradually and get yourself a cleaning job for a couple of hours per day at least it will give you and your folks a bit of space and you will be earning money.  Overall my life at home was very much the same as yours even though i dont suffer from bi-polar, i had screaming matches with my folks,slammed doors,said lots of things i regretted and looking back now after being left home for 9 years i see that it was my lack of maturity, you think your so grown up as a teen but in fact your not and your parents are often very right. I'm sure your parents love you very much but you need to communicate with them more and show them that you are able to stand on your own two feet, if you feel your MH is suffering then get help. Good luck  

  15. Try and keep yourself busy outside of the house.

    If matters get way out of hand that it might ruin your health

    then contact a family member that might have a better of understanding you.

  16. Speak to the about your issues.

    "Mum and dad, i am still angry about the fight that we have had the other day. I still don't think that what you did was very fair. I think that we should speak the whole situation over again, if you are still disagreeing with me, i think that it is only fair that until we have discussed it rationally, i cannot speak to you AT ALL !

    Hope it helps.

    Please answer my question.

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