My parents and I got in a fight, and I still got issues to deal with. Basically the whole point of the fight was pointless because it didn't change anything with them.
So the other day they asked me something and i started feeling really bad that i have been ignoring them, and i answered them. Now they think that everything is cool, like nothing ever happened, back to giving me demands and giving me guilt trips. They can't even see that a major depressive episode has begun due to me being type 1 bipolar, and that i have just broken down more due to the fight.
They are talking to me and asking me questions and all this BS, and the reason the d**n fight begun. It is causing me A LOT OF STRESS. Talking to them is giving me a HORRIBLE headache.
How do I stop this, how do I avoid them? I am still very angry inside, and you know why the fight began last time? It was because I went to them to tell them how I feel and how my life is unfunctional, and they said "GO GET A JOB". They don't realize with my bipolar taking the train everyday for 3 hours to get to the city to work is NOT possible without medication and therapy for me. Why not get a job around my way? I totaled my car 2 months ago and there is no public transportation around here, only one train going to the city.