
How do I notify that a person is unable to serve as a juror because she lives outside of the country?

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I received a Jury Summon for my mom, but she's been living outside of the country for the last 20 years. I called the local office and they told me I needed to return the filled out form plus a prove that she resides outside of the country.

I got my mom to fax me some utility bills, but now I'm wondering if I need to include some sort of letter explaining things.

The summon is for next tuesday, and I just realized that a holiday monday they won't probably get this noticed before it. Is there a risk she will be fine?

Help please! Thanks in advanced.




  1. just call and tell them...if you can show a cancelled letter or something to prove it..that will be okay..

    and there will be no fine..if she actually does live outside of the country...

  2. I think they'll take into account the fact that Monday is a holiday and the mail runs slowly.  Your letter with proof whould be enough.  I hope you included her address and phone number.

  3. You don't have to do anything.

    The notice wasn't sent to you.

    If a person doesn't show up for jury duty the notice goes on the failure.

    I doubt if they will go out of the country after her as SHE can prove she has been out of the country and could sue.

    Jurors are pulled from drivers license's, and voter registration, and some times even census

    They can not do anything to you.

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