
How do I now if my dream is actually something I want to pursue?

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Hi! I've noticed that over the years, my dreams have changed (a lot), especially now that I've become more confident.

But now I have this dream about becoming a graphic artist/Web Designer.

But I am very afraid that this might be just because I'm young ( I'm 23) and I'm just momentarily mesmerized by all the artsy stuff, but that later I will regret it.

I mean, apart from that, I also fantasize and dream about being on American Idol or becoming a Disney Channel actor (haha). But I just figured out that those are already out of my reach because of my age and I really don't sing or act that good. I figured out that the other, graphic design, is probably more realistic.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science but I really think I don't like my degree... but since I have it, I think Graphic design is the closest thing to making my degree a little usable and acknowledging my wants.

I am just afraid. Maybe I am in an inmature state. Maybe I'll regret later in life not getting into the "serious" (money making) side of my degree?

I need your help! how do I know if this dream I have is something permanent or just something temporary?





  1. The best way to find out if you'll actually be happy in a field is to talk to someone who is in it.  If you go to your school's alumni association or career center, you can ask if they can help you find a graphic designer or web designer that you can talk to, to find out more about their job.

    You can ask things like:

    - what do you like/dislike most about your job?

    - what are your hours like?

    - what kind of salary can a graphic designer make?

    - how much control do you have over your career and over what you can do?

    - what advice do you have for someone in my position?

    If it comes down to it, you can even just look for graphic designers and contact them randomly and see if they are willing to answer a few questions.

    You could even post something up on Yahoo Answers in the section for graphic designers!

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