
How do I obtain my 2005 tax return documents??

by  |  earlier

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I have never skipped a year of doing my taxes, yet I received a letter from State of California Filing Enforcement... asking me for proof because they may have misplaced my information for 2005. Where can I request something like this to prove that did this. I looked in my personal file I keep and it has every year except 2005. I don't know where I did it at? Anyone know what I can do to get this info?




  1. You're going to have a hard time proving that you did it, since you can't come up with a copy.  If you owed the state that year, a cancelled check for the payment would probably do it.  If you got a refund by direct deposit, an old bank statement should show that.

    Other than that, there's nobody to request it from unless you had a preparer do it - they might still have a copy.  But if you don't know where you had it done, that doesn't work either.

    If your personal files have every year except 2005, it does sound like maybe you didn't file that year.

  2. If you looked in your files and can find everything except what the Franchise Tax Board is looking for, the guess what: you probably didn't do it.  Just do it now.  If you had refunds in other years, The governator would like to keep your money but if you have an overpayment, go for it.

  3. Read Copy of Tax Returns and Transcripts at

  4. Did you do your taxes with a paid preparer? They are required to keep the documents for seven years.

    Or did you do them online, or with Turbo Tax or something? A copy may be around on your hard disk somewhere.

    Or did you perhaps forget?

    You can get a federal transcript, but they are asking for California, right?

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