
How do I ollie stairs and gaps?

by Guest66544  |  earlier

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I never ollied stairs before, like ever. Do I have to keep my knees and legs up, or can I go at a certain speed where I can ollie comfortably? And do I have to go fast and pop my board super high? If not, how fast at least do I have to go? I just have no idea what it feels like. Is it like doing an ollie over three skateboards? I can do it without popping it very hard. I just don't know what the FALL will feel like, you know? Any tips welcome.




  1. when your ollieing stairs it helps to just jump down them first, then ollie and kick out, then go for it. if you ollie but dont have enough speed turn your body so that your board doesnt hit the stairs. most likely you will fall forward when landing.  

  2. Just go at a speed that is comfortable for you and at a speed fast enough to clear the stairs obviously. When I do stairs I usually ollie just a bit higher than normal just as a guarantee that I'll clear it. Basically just do what your comfortable with, do not do things that are not comfortable for you, because you will probably fall. Just work on smaller sets and shorter gaps and just work your way up. Good luck!

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