
How do I open a Swiss bank account?

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How do I open a Swiss bank account?




  1. Praise

     It is easy to open a Swiss bank account, it's open to everyone and not to the rich alone. The Swiss laws requires an account holder to be at least 18years old, and any type of currency is accepted U.S dollars, euros, Swiss francs. You will be asked to provide authentic copies of official documents like passport, proof of occupation, professional license, residential address to prove your identity and origin of the money

  2. With your teeth

  3. You start with a swiss roll..............

  4. You need a minimum of around half a million quid and that is all!

  5. With a swiss army knife. You can open anything with one of those things

  6. is that a new chocolate wrapper?

  7. A bit of dynamite

  8. Well you asked for it

    General procedure:

    You make a request to open an account using our secure account opening application form or other means.

    Once we have received payment for our fees, we will send you the account opening documents by priority mail.

    When you receive the documents, you sign them and authenticate your signature according to our instructions. You return them to us, along with a photocopy of your passport and the other documents required.

    We need only a few days to open most accounts, once we have received your documents. We will confirm the opening of your account, and from that moment on you will deal exclusively with your account manager. The bank will confirm the opening separately.

    The entire procedure takes approximately one week from the date we receive your order and payment of our fees.

    We are entirely at your service to answer your questions - don't hesitate to contact us.

    There are three different procedures to open a Swiss bank account by mail. Which procedure applies to your account depends on which account you choose.

    Procedure A (Swiss postal account, Classic Swiss bank account, Swiss numbered account)

    You apply for an account

    We approve your application

    We mail you the opening documents

    You return us these documents signed

    We present your application to the bank

    The bank opens your account

    Procedure B (Premium Swiss bank account)

    You apply for an account

    We approve your application

    We mail you the opening documents

    You return us these documents signed

    We present your application to the bank

    The bank sends you a separate confirmation

    You return the bank's documents directly to the bank

    The bank opens your account

    Procedure C (Personal Swiss bank account, Swiss cantonal bank account)

    You apply for an account

    We approve your application

    You mail us an authenticated copy of your passport, a utility bills and documents about the economic origin of your money

    We present your application to the bank

    The bank sends you a separate confirmation

    You return the bank's documents directly to the bank

    The bank opens your account

    We will be with you during the whole procedure and will always give you precise indications for the next step.

  9. A good saw should do it. :0)

  10. Have the required ID, and money; fill out the required forms.  Contact The Swiss Credit Bank of Zurich to get started.

  11. Go to a Swiss bank I would think

  12. find a bank in switzerland and open an account with it..simple

  13. 1st of all, you need to kill all teh gooblars in the core of planet earth, then milk a cow until you get 79.4 gallons of sugar, which inturn turns into swiss money that you can put in a swiss bank account

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