
How do I open a convinence store that opens longer than 7-Elevens?

by  |  earlier

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my family moved to American and our dream is to open a convinence store that's better than 7-Elevens

do you think my business model will work?

-open earlier and close later than 7-Elevens

-charge customers a fee for entering my store

-fine my customer if they don't make any purchase

-save cost and use my dot cam on my forehead for security cam

-sell everything 1 dolla

-steal my products from black market or 7-Elevens next door and resell.

please let me know thanks.




  1. What kind of wacky store would that be? Besides 7-11's are open 24/7.

  2. wow this was kinda funny thanks :P

    just in case you're not kidding/lying/ whatever then no your business will suck and no one will come to the store

  3. 95% of the 7 elevens are 24/7/365.

    By the way, tell me that is a joke: a fee to enter a store and a fine for not making a purchase. For one, no will neter the store in the first place with a fee, thus you can't fine them for not making a purchase. Wow.

  4. tank u *** agan

  5. Well.. that might be hard because:

    A. 7-11s are open pretty much all the time.

    B. You can't sell everything for a dollar if you expect to make a profit.

    C. I think you are just kidding. At least, I hope you are lol.

  6. Um... people probably won't come into your store if there is a fee to look around... they won't come back. Telling them they have to buy something to use the bathroom is normal. But if you fine them for not buying something, maybe they don't need what's in your store. Good luck. Oh, and I like the camrea idea =D.

  7. Add an extra hour to the day and stay open 25 hours.

  8. haha good one

  9. totally the WRONG way to go..

    you dont FINE people to come in your store|

    you dont stea; products fro anywhere else;

    YOU dONT FINE people...

    THAt store has NO CHANCE if you have service like that.

  10. What the c**p?! None of this makes sense.  First, 7-11s are open 24/7 and the other remarks are not only really stupid but are very degrading.  

    However, I would shop there...and smile at your dot cam...I'm going to h**l.

  11. lmao sounds awesome!

  12. lol your a joke.

  13. wow your store sound like the place to be... cant wait for it to open i dont think i have any suggestions!!! you are a genius!!  


  14. 1/10  Try harder...I didn't even crack a smile, sorry.

  15. no i don't think ur business will survive lol

  16. good luck wit that nobody will come if u have to pay to open the doors plus u will hav to steal tons og item and u need a permit but other than that this plan is flawless or should i say most stupedist thing i ever heard

  17. call it a 6-twelves

    -you can also have a member's only program , and install barcodes on the dots on your best customer's heads.

    -you can also make them wear "sure" deodorant if they don't buy anything, you might get a deal with the deodorant company.

    -you can also install a camera in the womens bathroom and charge money for a web-cam link-up

    -the $1 dolla thing is already in use so use $2 dolla  

    -it is cheaper to make your owns tuff, just tell them there is a warranty, lol mua, ha, ha, ha people will buy anything nowadays

  18. this question was funny thanks for the laugh

    oh and if ure serious for some wierd reason drop the fines for people coming in and looking around dont sell everything for a dollar 7 eleven is open 24 hours so u cant open longer stealing othe peoples things will make u go to jail so good luck i really hope ure a tennager playing a prank

  19. Stop saying something about YOUR DOT on your forehead!!

  20. Burning incense that rivals the fragrance of feet @ss and armpit would help also. How about putting the expired medicine behind locked bullet proof glass. Wait a minute... I think your trying to fool me :J(

  21. um you're joking right..

  22. sorry, we already call that Exxon lol

  23. LMFAO. can you pass the curry please? oh and later we've gotta talk about you slacking with your job at're kinda stinking up the place too.

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