
How do I open a port on my computer?

by  |  earlier

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I'm using a torrent program, and receiving no incoming connection because my port is closed. I tried used random ports, followed the firewall procedures, added a port, entered my gateway default # into the browser(got a page error), went to port (they don't have my Model), but nothing has worked.

Useful info:

I have wireless internet(provided through my apartment)

I was told to just get an adapter( got Linksys Dual-Band WUSB600N) and just register it. Should I have gotten a router of some sort as well?

Also what is when I go to test the port forwarding it says checking (port# whatever) on and then tells me its closed. I tried another torrent program(just for the h**l of it) and it also kept saying that port on is blocked. What gives? Help.




  1. Your apartment management is running a wireless router - that's where the port has to be forwarded.  I doubt you'll get them to forward a port to your computer.  You have 2 options:

    Download slowly

    Buy your own internet service.

    There's nothing you can do, using the existing internet connection, to get an open port.  (If they forward one port to you, others will want ports forwarded to the,.  Since a given port can only be forwarded to a single computer, what do they do if two people need the same port?) is your external IP address - the address given by the internet provider to the router that you're getting your service from.

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