
How do I organize a Beach Cleanup?

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My parents live near a huge glacier lake, and this year they lowered the water significantly. My friend thought it would be a great time to organize a beach cleanup since it's easy to walk the shore. We've both noticed there is a lot of garbage down there. It's a tourist town, so it makes sense.

We want to do it on or around Earth Day this year; right before the local spring festival.

I can get a local landscaping business to donate a trailer and some containers for garbage, maybe a few local stores to donate food.

My questions are on:







I'm doing a short part of the shore (swimming hole). I don't want to take on too much area on my first try.

-BUT how much are should I do? (It's a small town, so I have no idea what the turnout will be, maybe 100 if I'm lucky.

-Should I go to the local schools?

Again this is my first time, so feel free to talk to me like I'm dumb. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.




  1. Coordinate the clean-up with your local environmentally health department. Ask them for support in picking-up the trash gathered from the clean-up. They should also be able to sanction the work in the way of permits, and may offer you the bags for the debris. Solicit the local fire and police department for volunteers, the fire department may volunteer a peramidic unit to stand by your clean-up location. Ask for add space in the local paper and highlight you request to the various agencies..good luck..

  2. talk to local police, they may already have an organization that does this that you can join.

    As fas ar liability, see if there is local doctors, nurses, Paramedics or nurses that can volunteer for the day.

  3. you have to have a large area that you dump everthing you find then sort it out and recycle it or reuse it but i guarentee that there is garbage from were im at now to were your considering some groups pick up the garbage put it in a bag from the top of the state to the bottom and if your considering putting wasted resources into the landfill and calling it a cleanup your wrong if you dont bother recycleing what you find then dont bother pickingup  anything you will need people with masks snorkles pails wheel barrels all type of boats you will find dozens of tires car parts couches bicycles pig iron and stuff you will be discusted with you could cut your self really bad on the bottles glass cans plastic git really good work gloves you may wind up doing the job yourself by yourself but you will be amazed that by the time you pick up all the garbage you will find it will all seem to come back like you have never considered picking up any of that krap and dont be supprised when you find a half a dozen 55 gallon drums and jagged metal that could cut you so badly you have to ask yourself will you take things to the poison drive and will you not give up when it just keeps comeing back this is your drinking water your pop water your beer water your shower water i know it does nt make me thirsty when some of the area residents play god and dump chemicals into the water which can be absorbed into my orifices and into the fish i eat but you will like the people who say you know what ive live here along time and its never looked so clean there might be more than just the problem of garbage that needs to be recycled you can build birdhouses out of the scrap wood or cut wood you find and save the natural wood for campfires there is a difference between snags and structure and just plane negliect were the wetlands need a major restoration when you can urinate harder than what is flowing thru where the fish should be playing and the water smells like dukey we cant do it alone the earth and the tributarys need our help you can eaisly pickup a semi full of krap out of the environment our community is everywere in the north south east and west good luck

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