
How do I organize a home expense report?

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How do I organize a home expense report?




  1. Depends on what you are using it for. If you are getting a divorce and want to show that your expenses are high to bump up the amount of support (both parties over estimate - it is like submitting a budget, shoot high and hope for adequate).  If you are going for a loan you want to show that you can afford the payments.  The format would be the same - the estimates would differ.

    Housing (rent, mortgage whatever, broken down by month)

    Utilities (average monthly as winter/summer changes fees)

    Insurance - car, life, home/rental

    Vehicle loan payments

    Maintenance for all assets - vehicle, home etc.

    Health care and or health insurance

    Groceries, Entertainment, Gifts, Incidentals, Haircuts,

    Every thing else you spend money on is your living expenses so think back to what you have used over the past year including pet care and expenses.

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