
How do I over come my fear on roller coasters?

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Because on June sixth the ninth graders which is me are going to Carowinds after exams and I'm going but I'm scared to go on the roller coasters and I am afraid people will call me a baby or chicken. PLEASE HELP




  1. just get on the ride and buckle yourself in so you know you can't get out.  I know it sounds crazy, but seriously dude, DO IT. I did it and I ride everything now, even when I am terrified to go on.

  2. Step 1: Find a medium sized coaster.

    Step 2: Find someone you TRUST.(That's willing to ride)

    Step 3: Enter the lines, when you reach the point where you can see the cars, choose where you want to ride. (I started in the middle, it worked out great.)

    Step 4: Get in the car and buckle in.

    Step 5: (I know your heart may be racing but grab the persons hand that's in the car with you and hold on to the bar ATTACHED to the car) Take a deep breath and calm down as the ride begins.

    (Optional) Step 6: If you are going up a (slow moving) hill, talk to the person next to you, focus on them and not how high your going, when you reach the top, deep breath and squeeze the other persons hand.

  3. Just ride every single one. It's the only way. Some you might like, most you probably won't. But you still need to try them. What's worse: Riding a terrifying ride that last 5 minutes and makes you want to puke or missing out on an amazing experience you'll never forget? Roller coasters are great! You'll really miss out.

  4. The only way to break the fear is to relax and just do it. Try to think about something else while in line and during the lift hill, or you will get nervous. And it's not as fun if you're nervous! Also, I used to close my eyes and hold my breath during the first hill and that seems to help. Once you get past the first hill the rest is a blast :-)

  5. well sometimes if you like ever swing or play with something like a swing then close your eyes and just use your head to imagine you are on a rollar coaster or go there or ride another ride at like kings island or something and then when you and your class go you won't be afraid.hope i helped.bye

  6. start on smaller ones and work ur way up. the first time i went to cedar point, i only rode on gemini, which is only 120 feet tall. i myself love roller coasters, but i have a terrible fear of heights. all i remember when riding a new roller coaster is that the restraints are trustworthy. i went on the viper at Six flags great america in gurnee and the restraint was bouncing everywhere. i was jumping in my seat. i hafta admit i was scared. but i came off of it fine. one last tip. ITS OKAY TO SCREAM. i rode millenium force last summer and i was screaming the entire time. but nobody notices since everyone screams. im telling u that u will have fun. trust me!

  7. I was terrified of Drop Tower at Kings Island and when I rode it I was white knuckled, and so scared I was almost in tears by the time we got to the top (you ride with your feet dangling and it drops you 267 feet in 3 seconds at over 65 mph with no warning). A little bit later, I said let's go on that again and they looked at me like I was a total nutcase LOL.

    When you get on the rides, don't tense up, it will make it less enjoyable. Throw your hands up and scream your lungs out! You never know, you may end up loving roller coasters! =)

  8. I don't know where Carowinds is...but I used to work on rollercoasters for years at Magic Mountain in CA.  What worked for me was to start out on something a little less intimidating (a smaller coaster...if this place has them) Get warmed up, then see how you feel after that.  Most of the time, the sight of a coaster is what freaks people out the most...Once you get on the thing, and get over the first drop, you will find that it's not as bad as you thought. Try it out, and soon you'll be saying "bring it on!"

  9. roller coasters are the best :DD

    i'd ride them all day

    just go with your class and ride them

    i bet you'll love em :]

    my 1st roller coaster is when i was 7 or 8

    i was soooo scared

    i was crying i didnt wanna go xD

    but my mom made me and my friend go

    after it ended i wanted to go again

    my friend cried a lil but like 2 min later she's like lets go on more!


  10. i would suggest you go on thunder road first or the hurler they are both wooden roller coasters they arent that high and they dont go upside down so you will probably be safe with them. after you ride a couple you will love coasters and if your afraid of heights i wouldnt suggest you going on drop zone since its like 500ft tall

  11. LOOOOL I used to think that way until I tried it myself. But before I did, I thought of happy thoughts first. Then when I rode it, I inhaled, took a deep breath and when the coaster was released, I screamed hard to release the fear out of me. And it felt good!

  12. All these "Just get on it!" answers will not help.

    Screaming or holding your breath while on drops on roller coasters will help to not feel that funny feeling in your stomach.

    Closing your eyes the entire time helps, too. You can ask a close friend to hold your hand but if you are too embarrassed to do that then just hang on to your lapbar or belt really tightly.

    Riding in the front might seem scary but it is actually the best place to sit to avoid the funny feeling in your stomach so if this is one of your main concerns consider the front. You feel it more around the middle and the backside. If you can't manage the front, then you can scream or hold your breath during drops and it will definitely help. If you pray, prayer helps relax you as well. I ALWAYS pray before taking off on a ride even though I am not nervous. It helps me relax more.

    Work your way up to bigger rides. Let's say you're concerned about the drops. If you ride small rides that have drops you will grow accustomed to the drops and once you get to the big rides with big drops it will be nothing and you will actually enjoy yourself. Definitely don't get on a huge ride to begin with. You'll only worry yourself crazy and you won't enjoy yourself.

  13. Hey I was the same way; after the first time I rode a rollercoaster I liked it and kept going back.

    Give it a try

  14. just start with the easy rolla coasters then will conquer your fear

  15. Its a heights thing I'm scared of em to. don't have any way to get rid of it.

  16. If you get scared close your eyes.

    If you get very scared close your eyes, and put your head down.

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