
How do I overcome Erectile Dysfunction without drugs?

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I am 27 and I have had ED for about 6 months now. I have been on Cialis and it works great for me. However, its way too expensive and I dont want to be on it the rest of my life. It seems that all of this started right after I had the flu. The doctor tested my testosterone level and it was well within range. I just want to know what to do. I need to go off of Cialis stat...any suggestions? Has anyone out there overcome ED and if so what did you do? Has anyone been affected like this after having the flu? Please help! Give me some testimonials please!

By the way, I exercise all the time (ideal weight), dont smoke, but I do drink alot of soda. I got checked out by a doctor but not a urologist.




  1. I read an article recently in The Star newspaper, research said that by eating a lot of watermelon can help cure ED as it contains a chemical that has the same effects as Viagra. But the only thing is that watermelon is very diuretic, so you need to go to the bathroom many times.  

  2. I think you need to see a better doctor. You're young and healthy and if you're having a problem they need to treat the cause not the symptom.  

  3. Work hard and each yo wheaties boy!

    Practice makes perfect.

  4. You can try this method.It helped several people

    Good Luck

  5. Something I have recently discovered is that going to a chiropractor can help anything that is wrong with someone. Most people think you go to a chiropractor when you have a sore back. After looking at x-rays of my back, I discovered how unnatural curvature of the spine can cut off the full function to our body. Since I have been going to a chiropractor, I have had less headaches, better leg circulation, less back and shoulder pain, and feel over all better. It is even shown that chiropractic care can increase function to sexual organs, which may be the cause of your ED. You can never be too careful, and if you don't have to pump drugs into your body to be well, why would you?    

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