
How do I overcome depression?

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My summer is wasted doing nothing, but summer school.

I can't drive, my grades are bad. I just feel like c**p, because I've never had a girlfriend.

What the h**l do I do?




  1. Think about the positive things in oyur life. #1 You're young, that's a BIG positive! It took me 2 tries before I passed the driving test to get my license, so don't feel'll probably do better than I did. I had nothing to do all summer and I got really depressed. Once you get back to school, have structure in your life and are around more people you should feel better. About the girlfriend old are you? If you're still in school, you have nothing to worry about. You're oyung enough to have time to date....and remember, it's quality that's important, not quantity. A girl you really like that's important to you will come along. ..and don't worry about what other people think. Use your instincts and do what makes you happy.  

  2. Wow. Your situation sounds a lot like mine when I was in high school.  have battled depression and overcome it. Here are some things that I have done

    My advice:

    1) of course see a doctor-perhaps they can give you medication to help you fight depression.

    But I also fought depression by doing "natural" things that didn't require medication. The things that I did and helped me were:

    1) get  into nature and and get fresh air and oxygen for your body. that will do wonders for you.

    2) eat healthy, avoid junk food and soda, drink water and natural food as much as possible

    3) execrise-try to join a health club and workout at least 3 times a week or if you can't join a health club at least try to jog 10 minutes a day and do situps/stomach and push ups. Taking care off your body

    helps your mood.

    4) try to hang out with friends-especially those who have positive attitiudes as much as possible or do fun stuff like watching movies or playing video games (but don't play too many video games to the point where you aren't excercising) or watching your favorite sports team. Also find someone you can trust and can speak openly with and talk to them about your feelings and the things that are causing your depression.

    5) try to find positive things in your life-keep a log and write down something that happened that was positive each day such as I got to see my cute baby cousin, or my friend bought me lunch, or I got my paycheck today. And even if its the tiniest thing find something positive. Like I have had some terrible days or days where nothing special happened and I still managed to find something positive like "having food to eat"

    When you are out of depression you're grades should improve. Because when you are depressed you have trouble concentrating on things. When you get healthier and out of deprssion you will probably start doing better in school. Also there is a chance you might have a learning disability as I did, but didn't know about it until I was halfway through college. Once I found out that I did have a learning disability, I got proper accomdations such as extra time for tests and my grades improved.

    Also don't fret about having a girlfriend right now. No girl will want to date a guy that is depressed. Concentrate first on getting healthy and get out of depression. Once your are out of that and you become positive, confident, friendly person girls will like you regardless of your looks.

    Good luck to you. Again I have battled depression and sympathsize anyone who has been depressed.

  3. if you have enough connections, obtain some mary jane or some xanax. or if you want a more legal route watch funny shoes on tv or go "people watching" at walmart.

  4. d**n i wish i had problems like you do.  let me tell you...if you think thats enough to classify as depression then just wait till real life hits you.  

    Get a drivers license.  really not as hard as it looks

    Try doing your homework and put in effort for your tests.

    Get up and do productive things with your days.  dont sit around

    And waaalllaaa  steps 1, 2, and 3  = more chance at getting a gf because your living life to its fullest.  

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