
How do I overcome squeamishness?

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I'm pretty squeamish, not with blood or vomit or f***s or anything like that, but more with injuries. like if I see someones joint dislocate or a bone break, I just loose it. I become sort of obsessive with it. Like sometimes I have a hard time watching sports because I feel like someone will get hurt at any moment.

I think it all comes from a recurring injury I have in which I dislocate my knee frequently. Everytime I see it and I feel the pain, I just lose it, and I think its made me squeamish.

This wouldnt be that big of a problem if I didnt want to be a doctor so bad. When I was younger my mom always said i would grow out of it, but I'm 18 now and I still freak when I see an injury. How will I every overcome this and be able to be a doctor?




  1. Either repeated gradual exposure until you can overcome your squeamishness or perhaps a different field.

  2. When I first started in the field I was the same.

    But the more I saw of it then more it came that it didn't effect me so much.

    Don't get me wrong! ALL medical staff, Dr's, Nurse's, Surgeon's still do turn their heads and make 'that' face.

    We still feel squeamish but we NEVER show the patient that. It freaks them out and is unprofessional.

    But that's why we have de-briefing too. So we can talk about it and all come out and say what we feel.

    Now I can handle most injuries on people BUT NOT MY OWN CHILD ( Ithrow up and faint!), although a gangrenous, black, smelly leg made my gut's turn, but you seem to also find this blank space inside your head.

    It's hard to describe.

    It's like when I see someone vomit (gross) and then need to examine it.

    That used to be my downfall. Like your injury thing.

    Now I go into my 'blank' mindspace, NOT thinking ANYTHING, and do what I have to do.

    Don't be put off just because you think it may be too much.

    Give it a try.

    Before you waste time and money on Medical school, become a Nurse's Aide where you will get injuries from the elderly falling. Then see how you handle it?

    You may just surprise yourself.

  3. i'm also 18 and i was squeemish to for a while, but with blood and i also intend to work in medicine -pulmonology, actually (less blood =])

    the reason i was like that was because i fainted every time i had a blood sample taken.

    the thing is, you may not know it but you HAVE linked injuries with something personal, so now, in you're mind, you've conditioned yourself to essentially "feel their pain" so to speak.

    although it is relatable, you have to distance yourself emotionally from these things. dissociate yourself from it.

    don't think about how it feels, just think of it technically.

    i know it sounds hard, but once you do it, it gets easier!!!

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