
How do I overcome the fear of gagging in the dentists chair?

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The short of this is I have a back tooth that needs to be pulled and if I'm honest has required an extraction for some time now its rotted away quite a bit and I'm now facing facts that I've got to get my merry @ss to the dentist so this can be done but to be honest I'm scared as heck.

I know the procedure is having two shots in my mouth and know what an extraction consists of etc thats not the problem the problem is keeping my gob open long enough and without feeling the need to retch if I didnt have this fear of keeping my mouth open and retching then I would be a regular visitor to the dentist.

That said, I am giving myself pep talks (32 years old) about this and if I have to (which I dont want to) I'll dose myself with one or two tranquilisers so as to relax me enough, I've been offered an intravenous injection also but for me its overcoming the fear of actually GETTING INTO the dentists chair.




  1. Try following the advice from the article here:

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