
How do I overcome this bitterness?

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I come from a humble background. Migrated to another country when I was 20 to support my family and siblings and am now 32.. When I needed companionship the most, when I was poor and down, alone and stuggling to make it, everyone rejected me. I am highly successful now, been so for the past 2 years but I can't seem to overcome this bitterness that girls didn't want me when I was poor.





  2. Since you are a lot more better off now, take advantage of that. Go to Vegas.

  3. Maybe when you were "poor", you were looking at and going out with ladies that don't believe in themselves or you. "Birds of a feather, flock together".  Now that your successful, you need a woman who, also, has the pride you do. You have changed since then by choice. You can do it again.

    By the way, money doesn't make the man. Life does. Live it to the fullest, and enjoy what you have now, cuz it may not last.  

  4. Life is way too short to be angry and bitter. A good way to overcome bitterness is to "count your blessings"...and it sounds like you are more than blessed.

    As the saying a comfortable lifestyle is the best revenge.

    Best wishes.

  5. Boy, it's a tough question you pose. It's really hard to get over resentment, especially if it fills a void in your life. If you're ready to let it go, try facing each day with this attitude: your success isn't what defines you. As you meet people, let them decide if they like you for who you are, not what you have or don't have. I come from a poor background myself and understand how the world can be really cold when you don't have money. I didn't know many people when I was poor; I know more now that I'm more affluent. No matter what, people don't know what I have/don't have, and I don't present that as something that shapes how I feel about the world. Good luck, my friend. I hope this helps.  

  6. You can overcome this bitterness by accepting the love of a woman who comes from a humble background, is poor and down, alone, and sruggling to make it.  If you deny someone who is in the same position that you were in, then you're no better than them.

  7. just know you didn't need intimate companionship then; you needed a stable financial situation, roof over your head, food on your plate, etc etc, your basic survival needs. no one is relationship-material or even pleasant to be around when your tossing your stress like it was a salad. But, as you took care of business so to speak, you loved yourself out of the hardship.  now you have more room on your plate to love someone else, and for you to feel loved and not burdening.  

    as for being single now, take a few personality surveys to see where you stand in common dating questions/scenarios.   stick with what you are or feel.  

    and thats a start on a complicated, dynamic, intimate relationship.  

  8. oh poor thing!

    to tell you the truth i am a girl and i know girls and sadly some look for money in a man rather than  a heart and values.

    just forget about those girls. one day you will find that one person and it would be pretty unfair to be bitter at her for something others did.

    ps. not all girls are bad like that some of us truly just want love and a kind friend.

    pps. look at the bright side imagine were those girls are now and look at how well you are now and be glad of what you have. be happy and forget the pass even if they had paid some attention to you would you really want to be with someone like that? some one that all they want is money from you? i didn't think so.

    good luck! : )

  9. Hey your thinking is negative only, Girls always wanted you, but they were afraid to tell you.

    Now you have money, enjoy your life. Dont waste your precious time by thinking of Past things. Look ahead.

    Make friendship with girls, feel her, taste her. this is real life

  10. How do you know that the girls are just interested in the money side of it?  If you havent got a girlfriend then it must be something other than money.  Are you socialising a lot?  Are you mixing in places where there are a lot of girls?  What are your expectations of a girl in the first place?  Are you ready to become seriously involved with someone or is there something that is holding you back?

  11. You did not meet the right women. The type that would have been your companion is the devoted type.This type of woman is described in the Bible in the Book of Ruth "whether thou goest I will go,Thy people will be my people and thy God my God.These women have unbelievable loyalty.They will stick with you through thick and thin.You did not meet any women of this type..Success will mean nothing in time if you don't have someone to share it with.For someone so young (age 20) to support their family and siblings tells me you are unselfish and devoted yourself.Open your heart to love as you have opened your heart to your family.Looking to the past we learn but staying in the past keeps us there bitter and sad.Being poor can make a person feel worthless and you may have projected that to women. Life is strange and in your case maybe you needed the loneliness  to become successful and no one was in your way to attain  success.Be thankful you have a better life so that your future children will not know the stings of poverty.Of course children can't happen until you get a wife.At age 32 you have the maturity to know what you want as opposed to the youth of what you thought you wanted. Bitterness and love don't reside in the same heart.Good things come to those who wait.

  12. just come to a realization that the girls you met were not the best type and that there are better girls out there that would want you wheather you were successful or not.

  13. You haven't met the right person someone will come along that dos not care if you are rich or poor but you can't go around harboring this bitterness it will bring you down.If nothing erlse go see a Counslor.People are very materialistic now a days but be proud of yourself and your acomplishments

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