
How do I paste info into a group posting. Paste function doesn't seem to work.?

by  |  earlier

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When I try to paste infor from a Word document onto the post form, it will not copy. What am I doing wrong???




  1. When that happens to me, I save my Word document as a text file, then copy/paste it into my group posting. That always works for me.

  2. you should be able to copy a word doc and paste it onto a post form with or woitout using rich text beta- it works for me for either.

    I'm not sure what would prevent you from being able to do this, it shouldn't matter as long as it's text to copy and paste (unless for some odd reason your curser isn't copying in order to later paste.)

    try rebooting your computer

    try copying it to e-mail, send it to yourself then copy and paste it to the post form

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