
How do I pay for a motorcycle that I'm having shipped from another state?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy a bike I found on Craig's but it's in another state. I found a shipper, but the seller wants to be paid before he loads the bike. I don't really want to send a cheque or money order to the seller before I get the bike. Any suggestions?




  1. Use allot of caution with out of state bike purchases on craiglist (or other sites like this).  There is a good chance it is a scam.

    If you found a shipper, what is the cost to ship it?  You may want to look into a road trip to pick it up and ride it home.  That way you see the bike and get a chance to ride it, and you may safe some money by doing it this way.

  2. See if he will allow an escrow account through paypal. You can place the money in the aacount and he cant touch it until a time you both agree on.

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