
How do I persuade my mom to let me go to this party?

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My best friend's is having a birthday party and he invited me. It's my only chance to see him again because I moved really far away and the last time I saw him was like 6 months ago.

The Problem: my mom hates my best friend. (she's extremely overprotective and she doesn't like me hanging around guys)

How do I persuade her to let me go?

Oh, I've tried everything that I could possibly think of. But it seems that she has her mind set.

I was thinking of sneaking out, but that's kinda hard, so is there any way I can "bend the rules" a bit?




  1. you did not mention your age

  2. If you are willing to lie a little you can tell her that you're going to another friends house. Tell your mom that you're going to go hang out at a friends house (the one that your mom likes) and once you get there you can find someway to get to your best friend's party. Take the bus or something. If your mom is the type that checks up on you once in a while just get a friend to come pick you up who is going to that party. I sometime do that with my parents because they don't approve of me hanging out with guys at all. So I'd tell them that I'm out shopping with my friends and they will pick me up. And i'd tell her to call me on my cell if she needs me so that she will feel better. I don't know how far away you are from his house or how old you are but before i could drive I would take the bus and go to my friend's house when my mom is at work.  

  3. There isn't another reason she is saying no? Like is the distance too far?

    Are the parents going to be there? If so, ask your mom to call his mom/parent to check things out and let them know that you'll be coming. This will give her the peace of mind to know that there is nothing crazy going on.

    Were your parents on good terms with your friend's parents? Then your mom could just go with you and hang out with the adults. I know that seems lame, but sometimes all you want to do is go hang out with your friends and your parents are convinced that you are off to go smoke some pot or something. If this really is not the case, show her. It might earn you some trust the next time you want to go do something.

    DON'T sneak out if she says no. You'll have to pay for it when you get caught and you really won't be allowed to do anything. Do you want to trade what little freedom you might have for one party? Work on earning her trust.

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