
How do I persuade my parents to let me adopt a guinea pig?

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I have been asking my parents for a guinea pig for 2 months! I am very responsible. I have my own cat that I got for my birthday that I take care of. My mom even admits it. Anyway, two of my friends have guinea pigs who I see ever day and adore. I really think I should get one because I have nothing to do except go on the computer. I really want a new best friend! Thanks, all help is appreciated!






  2. Well right now I have 3 guinea pigs.  When I talked my parents into getting the first one, it took quite a bit. Although I never had thought of getting a guinea pig at all until we went to our friends house and they asked if we wanted their guinea pig. (Daughter was growing up and didn't want them anymore) So I did a tonn of house work and lots of extra chores and finally for a surprise I got her :D She is amazing, very old now but has done a lot.

    One thing you could do with your pig, is get involved in 4-H and show her. I did, and it has done a lot for me.  Your parents would probably like to hear that, and you can make new friends in the process. More then one -A new pet is also a new best friend for a long time and you have to make sure you will always love and take care of her.   Make sure you always keep the cage clean so that there is no smell.  That is one thing my parents hate, but with 3 piggies, there is no way to get rid of it all.  

      Another thing you can do is train him :)

    I hope I helped you a little, don't forget about 4-H!! The fair is sooo fun!!

  3. Say that you are responsible enough to get one and ask if you could get one for your birthday. Then maybe you will be able to get one. Good luck!

  4. for about i year i really really wanted a rabbit. i had a cat also. once i finally talked my mom into getting me a rabbit it was fun for about 2 weeks then i got sick of cleaning the age twice a day (beleieve me you have to). a pet in a cage is different from a pet like a cat that can go around your house as much as it wants. we ended up giving my rabbit to a farm.  

  5. Why don't you show them how responsible you can be by doing chores around the house.!

    And try to explain to your parents why you would like a guina pig?

    It took me and my sister a while to get my parents to let us get a cat, but it worked!

    So it might work for you.

    Hope i helped..


  6. Your parents said no and its there house. But if you do get a GP, get 2 because they are very social animals and need company. And you dont have to get one just cause your friend has one. You'll get tired of it just like your cat. Why do you want a GP if you have a cat?

  7. this is wat i did first i talked my parents into letting me go see the guinea pig and then act like u dont wanna stop holding it a kissing it sooo it will look like u really want and like it and before u ask the big question start doing extra chores around the house and if u have any sibblings get along with them really well and then in about a day or 2 after cleaning up ask ur parents and for sure they will say yes

  8.   To get your parents to agree, try and ask them why they don't want you to get one. You can also ask if you can take care of one of your friends guinea pigs for a week or so and show them how responsible you can be.  

       Make sure you know everything you will need to to take care of one.

      Its possible that your cat might not get enough attention once the new pet gets there, so take extra good care of him.

      Your parents are trying to keep you from just getting one and then not taking good care of it once the newness wares off.  

  9. Stop going on and on about it. Just hint about it every once in a while. Write a report on guinea pigs including what they eat, the supplies and prices, their lifespan, guinea pig history, and who will take care of it on vacation. Give it to them. Then say softly, I wonder what will happen to it.... Then make yourself cry very slightly. It works best after dinner, give it to them and then say you'll just clear up your dishes. Put them away in the dishwasher or whatever and leave the room. It works!

  10. just do what she asks you and show her you can take care of i pet and everything.

  11. Hi!

    I think the best way is that You show them how responsible you are

    Tell them that you will look after it

    and clean its cage out and pay for its food because they will probably pay for it anyway in the end haha


    Bye x

    PS good luck!! lol x

  12. Responsibility means knowing what you're getting into, and why you're doing it.  Getting one because you're bored, is a bad reason, and isn't responsible.  Also, you should research an animals needs more.  Happy guinea's need a companion.

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