
How do I pick a surfboard...?

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I'm a beginner surfer and would like to know what I should begin with for my skill level. I'm about 5'7" and 172 lbs.




  1. basics-

    since you're 5'7, go with a longboard about 6'5 or 7 foot long board.  buy the board at a surfing store, its going to be expensive, im not gonna lie and you should pay to take classes because i cant really tell you how to surf over the Internet. Beware, surfing is dangerous, you can often get caught in heavy currents, you can slip and fall, you can drown.

    buy s*x wax, its the best brand of surfing wax to use. the pros of surfing is that you feel a connection with the ocean and you feel good in the cold breezy waters.

  2. Generally you would want to start with a "gun" that is about 7 to 8ft.Thats for stability.

  3. go for a 7 to 8 foot doyle softboard

  4. Go to a reputable sporting goods store that handles surf boards.  Explain to the salesman that you are and beginner and would like a surfboard.  You might also tell him how much you plan to use it, if it will just be for this season or what.  The prices of them vary and he will be able to advise you of what would be your best bet.

  5. Beginners guide to essential surfing equipment

    Theres a huge range of surfing equipment to spend your money on, but not all of it is essential. The core goal of a surfer is to spend as much time in the water as possible, not to spend as much money as possible on the latest seasons range of mass produced surf wear clothes!

    This guide is aimed towards beginners who need an impartial opinion on what surf equipment is needed to get yourself in the ocean. The needs of the individual are going to vary the world over and are dependent upon a number of variables, so to help you decide you need to determine the following: where are you going to surf, are you surfing year round or just the summer months, will you surf regularly or only 1-2 times a year and what style of surfing is your goal? We have laid out a range of options based on water temperature and on the assumption that as you are learning then smaller beach break waves in the 2-4ft range will be most suitable.


    In the most basic terms there are four types of surfboard:

    Surfboard/Thruster Longboard/Malibu Fish Gun


    A Surfboard for ripping size generally 5'8"- 6'10"  A Surfboard for cruisin' Mini-Mal, anywhere from 7'2"- 9' and Mals 9' +  Similar to a shortboard but shorter and wider 4'8" - 6'  Big Wave Board 7'10"- over 12'  

    Within these basic types, there unlimited variations, (more of which we have touched on in our surfboard guide page), but here we'll concentrate on the essentials. The type of board you choose shouldn't be determined by what design looks the coolest or by what the ASP surfers are riding, you need to pick a surfboard that suits you.

    Assuming you are a beginner, your weight, age and desired surfing style goal are the most important factors. The elements you need to consider are:

    Length- when beginning the length of the surfboard is one of most critical decisions and generally speaking the longer the better. A board 1-2ft taller than your own height is a reasonable guideline, but the other factors will come into play. A longer surfboard should help you to make paddling easier

    Thickness- A thicker board will provide more flotation which allows easier paddling and provide more of a glide when stood up. You will need to consider a thicker surfboard the heavier you are- a 2.5" to 3" thick surfboard should be suitable.

    Width- A wider surfboard will be more forgiving when learning, again being easier to paddle and provide a more stable platform. Look for width in the nose, centre and tail of the board.

    Which board to choose:

    When it comes to surfboard construction (see our surfboard guide for more info) there are a number of types, but in basic terms there are the custom boards, softboards and pop-outs. If you are going to surf regularly and look to progress then a custom board may be the way forward, but if you are only looking to surf during holidays or your board will take a lot of abuse perhaps look at softboard or pop-out. Mals and mini-mals are ideal beginner surfboards:


    Softboards or "Foamies" are as the name suggests made of foam and are soft, which allows them to be more forgiving to the novice. These surfboards are very buoyant, big and stable in the water.


    These are tough beginners boards with plenty of float. They are made of a foam core with a thick fiberglass coating and can stand a lot of abuse! They tend to be a cheaper alternative than a custom surfboard and hold their resale value once you want to trade up to a custom surfboard.

  6. ask the sales associate

  7. I learned how to surf 25 years ago in Santa Barbara, CA , on a long board & I've done well.  Now, I surf Chimeney Rock and people refer to me as the Big Kahuna.  You should go to Santa Cruz and talk to the surf shops there.  Remember, "Charlie Don't Surf"!  tf

  8. go to the suffering store tell them its your first time and they help u out

  9. Interesting answers out there.  To begin with, what level of a beginner are you?  Have you had some lessons, how many times have you been out, can you catch waves on your own, can you turn easily, etc?  Also, what are the waves like where you will be surfing?  If you have never surfed, don't go buy a board until you take a lesson or two and have decided that you like it.  Rent a longboard until you can comfortably handle the board and paddle for a wave.  If you are a beginner but catching waves on your own, then it's time to actually buy a board.  I recommend buying a used board or an inexpensive import before you buy a good quality board.  Any shop can recommend a good beginner board for your break.

  10. K, so heres whats up the rest of these groms are just researching your weight and height online and telling you what to get.  this is what i recommend.  first try it out and see if you like surfing at mellow point break.  then if you really like it and plan to take it up then go on craigslist and buy a cheap long board such as a soft top around 7 feet or longer.  Then you take that out surfing until you get pretty good at riding that board, then you can graduate to a better board, either short or long but by the time you get good at surfing that craigslist board you will have talked to enough people out in the water to gain the knowledge to choose your own board.  If you go out and buy one of those 500 to 600 dollar boards that these guys are telling you to buy you will just end up spending more money because you will tear that board to shreds running into people/ rocks.

    and another thing that guy who says buy a gun 7 to 8 feet or something.  guns are for large waves, like mavericks, not to learn to surf on.  first they make you look like a kook cause only kooks would buy a gun to learn on.  and you will spend money on a board that is not made to learn on.  at least if you buy a soft top people know that your learning and everyone has to learn at some point and they will give you more room, but if you bring a gun out there your not learning, you just a "kook" and they will tell you to get out of the water.

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