
How do I pick up my rabbit?

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I tried to hold her under her front legs and support her hind legs, but when I try to set her down teh same way, she really doesn't like it. And for clipping their nails, do they twitch because it hurts? Or just because they don't want them cut? Because they never bleed, but I can never get her still enough to actually cut her nails.




  1. I've been raising and showing rabbits for 26 years.  Here are a few tips for picking them up and setting them down and clipping their nails.

    It sounds like you are picking your rabbit up right.  If you can avoid it, you want to pick your rabbit up underneath the chest with the other hand supporting the butt of the rabbit.  Bring the rabbit's head up into your armpit of the arm holding the butt of the rabbit to give it a place to hide.  Picking a rabbit up by the scruff of the neck does not hurt it, but it does stretch the hide.  Some larger breeds of rabbits such as Flemish Giants, French Lops, and Checkered Giants about have to be picked up by the scruff of the neck due to their size and the ability to hold them better if they start kicking.

    For putting the rabbit down, make sure you keep the rabbit balanced.  If the rabbit feels unbalanced or if you hold it for too long it will start kicking.  Also, never put the rabbit back in head first into its cage.  The rabbit may want to tend to jump for its cage once it thinks it is close enough.  So always put the rabbit back in the cage rear end first.

    For clipping the nails, you do want to use the scruff of the neck.  Grab the scruff of the neck and wrap your thumb tightly around the ears as close to the base of the ears as you can.  The better control you have on the ears, the better you can keep the rabbit from turning its head to the side and flipping back over.  The best control of the ears is by getting your thumb as close to the base as you can.  Place the other hand on the rabbit's back and roll the rabbit over on the rump and onto its back.  Once the rabbit is on its back, use your arm to press the rabbit snuggly against your body.  If the rabbit gives too much trouble when flipping it over, let it flip back over and try again.  If the rabbit starts kicking once it is over, place the hand that was on the rump in between its back legs and spread your hand out like how you'd palm a basketball.  This balances the rabbit and it also keeps your arm from getting scratched.

    Even when you don't hit the nerves and don't hit blood the rabbit will squirm some.  As long as you stay in front of the quick line you should be fine.

  2. behind the neck theres excess skin called scruff you grab and pull on it while your other hand holds her butt (support her legs)

    shes holding on by the scruff

    (ps it dosent hurt them)

  3. pick her up by the ears...for dont hurt them

  4. Pick them up around the middle. Be sure to keep away from their claws. You also want to support their feet.

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