
How do I plan my life out for a good future?

by Guest57630  |  earlier

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Hey. I'm a 15 year old male. These story is, I'm a bit confused at the moment about what to do with my life. My parents are seperated. My Dad lives in Sydney with his new wife and their child (my half bro) and I live in Queensland with my Mum and step-dad.

I am a lot happier up here. I go down to my Dad's bascially every holidays, and while I know he loves me and all, I couldn't really imagine living there with him.

A couple of years ago my Dad asked me what I wanted to do when I got out of school. I told him I wanted to be a pilot (that's what he does) but that was a lie. I'm not interested in aircraft at all!

I'm into things like earthquakes, science and weather. Nerdy I know, but it's my thing! My Dad still thinks I want to be a pilot because I keep telling him I want to be one.

On my recent holiday he took me for a flight. I didn't really enjoy it. The thing is my Dad said "If you really really want to get into the industry young, you can move down to Sydney next year, go to school here, and you can fly with me on weekends to get your hours up". I said no to start with, but he keeps on kind of nagging me.

The other thing is, my Mum said I should get a part time job so she told my dad about it over the phone. On holidays, my Dad said it was stupid to get a job and my step mum nearly was about to ring my Mum and yell at her! I don't get it? I kinda want a job! Most people at my school have one.

So in conclusion, I want to stay in Queensland, do really really well at school, go to university and get a career in science. How do I tell my dad this? I was thinking when I go down the next holidays I just tell him it's not my thing because he thinks I'm going to move down there in Decemeber!

I also want to make the most of my life. At the moment, I have no job, I'm on the computer heaps, and I don't really have a social life out of school. I want to change this! I also want to get a job.

What do I do?

Thanks in advance :)

Sorry about the long question haha




  1. Talk to your Dad.

    Tell him you are leaning towards something like meteorology rather than flight.  Get him talking on that stuff, if he's anything like my Dad (also once a pilot) he could talk your ear off about that too!

    Make sure you talk to your Dad and reassure him that you still want to see him and love him to pieces.

    Depending on what you go into science wise your Dad could be a hand.

    Apply for jobs.  Christmas jobs will come up soon.  It will depend on whether you are going to your Dad's over Christmas of course.  If you are, then try for a part time job (such as a "Check out chick" or a job in a cafe or such).  Just something part time of course.

    Join some groups - maybe the Double Helix club or such.

  2. Just tell your dad outright.

    UQ (uni of QLD) has a good rep anyway when it comes to sciences, just go there. Although PLEASE don't end up like one of those groupy boys who think they are all that and think the chicks dig them (well the S****y ones do haha) and they spike up their hair and wear shorty shorts, it looks ridiculous!!! Anyhoo.....what was I saying?

    Oh yes. Tell him you've changed your mind and that you are now interested in science, it's as simple as that. Don't let some overbearing adult, be that your dad or anyway, get in the way of what you want to do in life, what you enjoy, it's just not worth it. With the part time job thing, you're 15 so way old enough to get a job, I would say get a job that you more or less enjoy! You meet so many friends doing work like that, it really widens your vision. Plus, employers want to see that you've worked for a bit while still in school or they'll think you're a bit retardmental when you get out of school iykwim.

    Good luck boy!

  3. hi my name is stacey and i'm 14. i think you should just tell ur dad over the phone i'm sure he will be a bit disappointed at first but i think he would want you to follow ur dreams and not his. need any more advice email me at

    hope this helps good luck.

  4. If i was you I would stay with my mum your plan sounds like a good one. I don't no why your step mum would be angry at that if you don't like being a pilot theres no point to go live with your dad. also your young you don't need to move to sydney.

  5. Do not go into aviation if you're not interested.  Pick a career field you enjoy.  Your dad's probably aware that at 15 you are really exploring different job fields and that a change in what you are interested in shouldn't surprise him all that much.  There are adults out there that still don't really know what they are interested in.  Tell him sooner rather than later if he's expecting you to move.  He's probably looking forward to having you around more so he might seem to take it personally, just tell him that this change in interests is not anything against him.  As far as a job goes, for a 15-16 year old it should be pretty part time, not too many hours a week.  That will help with your social life.  You could also try volunteering (you might even find some opportunities to volunteer to help or work for scientists in fields you enjoy).  

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