
How do I play a DVD that I recorded from my recorder using DVD Camcorder...?

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Samsung SC-DC163. I finalized it but whenever I try to play it on my comp it says empty disk. I haven't tried to play it on a TV so I'm not sure if it works there or not. Please help if you can.




  1. Have you finalized the disc? It will not play until the disc is finalized, which you have to do on your Camcorder. I've had the same problem you're having, and it ended up being that somehow my disc went bad at some point in the recording process and I lost everything. Hopefully this isn't the case. Also, if you can find a TV to play the DVD in, this will quickly tell you if the problem is with the disc or your computer. If the disc works in a TV, then I don't know what the problem could be. I hope this helps!

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