
How do I play the trumpet with braces?!?!?!?!?

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I've been playing the trumpet for about four years now, I've been first chair for as long as I can remember, and I've been to many different District/All-State events. I'm also involved in everything the band does at school, so playing the trumpet has basically become my whole life.

Anyways, I got braces about a month ago, and I've found that I can hardly play the trumpet anymore! I've tried practicing, and I STILL sound like I just picked it up. Even when trying my hardest, the most I can squeeze out is an F. It also sounds extremely flat.

I tried putting wax on my teeth, but It's not that much more improved. Will I ever be able to play the trumpet again? I've lately been devastated, mainly because marching band starts TOMORROW. I feel like I want to just quit band altogether, because now I'm going to look like an idiot, barely being able to make a noise. PLEASE HELP!




  1. Coming from a person who has been played the trumpet from the start with braces and knows several people who are going and have gone through this problem you have, I'm sure I can give you some good info...

    Tips for the crappiness:  You're going to have this crappy sound and flatness for about four through six months...the most you can do is practice every day and let your mouth get used to your braces.  It was kind of like getting used to the feel of them on your lips the first couple of days--only this takes much, much longer.  Just don't give up and you'll be back in tip-top shape in no time.

    Tips for those pesky high notes:  Ah the won't be able to get as high for a long...long time, but they will come around eventually.  For me, since I started with them, I never reached them in the first place (I'm now a proud baritone player considering learning how to play the trumbone and french horn)...but you will reach them if you were able to play before.  Just take it easy and do tons of scales...same as above, your mouth just has to get used to this new way of moving.

    And whatever you do...DONT QUIT...that is one of the biggest mistakes you will ever make.  Oh, and the wax will never've just got to tough it out and let the inside of your lips bleed a strong!

    If problems persist I'd ask your band teacher to let you switch to baritone or french horn, but that is very unlikely since you have been able to hit those high notes before.  I personally enjoy being the foundation of the band....

    It just takes some time...if you don't do well this year, there is always next year to come back improved!

    Sorry tons of lipslurs and long tones...

  2. With great difficulty

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