
How do I play with my rabbit?

by Guest44796  |  earlier

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I have a bored rabbit and people suggested I play with her. How exactly do I play with her? I tried playing with her, I tried playing like she was a cat but she just looked like I was stupid. She has all kinds of toys, little cats balls that jingle some rabbit toys that I don't know the purpase yet. All day she just lays there on my floor, She stays outside the cage for about 10 hours a day.

By the way if you haven't noticed I am a first time rabbit owner.

Thank you




  1. Whenever my rabbits were bored I would give them baby keys.I was informed by another rabbit breeder that rabbits love to toss these around.Most of my rabbits love to play with them.That's the best way I can think of to play with them.Rabbits are certainly different then cats and dogs when it comes to play time.

  2. My rabbit likes paper towel and toilet paper tubes. He also likes empty oatmeal containers. You can hold both of these items and play tug-of-war.

    Also, you can get a small basket and fill it with the rabbit's toys (balls, cat toys, etc). Some rabbits like to organize the toys, so you can dump them out and let her organize them.

    If your rabbit likes to hide and jump out when you walk by, you can probably train her to play hide-and-go-seek.

    You can also try hand-feeding her bits of hay, uncooked oatmeal, or raisins (but not more than four or five).

  3. My rabbit likes it if I lie on the floor with him, he uses me as a climbing frame.

    He also loves his willow sticks and jingly cat toy - he likes to pick them up and throw them.  Some rabbits like to be chased a little, and most just like to lounge around with you.

    Hide treats in things for your bunny to find to make life more interesting. - This site is absolutely brilliant.  They have an enormous range of toys (including the bunny tunnel my rabbit loves) as well as everything else you need.

  4. My rabbit loves for me to lay on the floor and let him run across me. He also loves to play tug-of-war with paper towel tubes. Recently I bought him a wicker ball with two walnuts inside ($2.99 at Petsmart), and he loves that thing! He throws it and tears it apart. Some rabbits like for you to gently stroke their ears from the base of their head to the tip of the ear, slowly.

  5. Give her something she can throw! Rabbits love playing with things that they can toss around. A rabbit babble ball keeps my bunny amused for hours! I also brought her a large cat ball with a bell in, and wholes which she could throw! Even just a plain garden plant pot will keep her amused!

    Pet shops have plenty of rabbit toys. A good thing I play with my rabbit, is I throw something in her cage and when she runs to it I Throw something else in, it makes her go crazy!!

    Good Luck.  

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