
How do I pluck up the courage to ask her out?

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I love a girl, its definitely not lust and its been this way for nearly 6 months, I want to ask her out. How should I do so and how do I pluck up the courage?




  1. just do it

    if you dont, I willl  ....race you!

  2. If you are not brave to ask her face to face, why not send her a note and ask her out for a drink? Good luck!

  3. Think this

    "Self: Quit being a ***** or some other b*****d will get the girl"

  4. just go for it,

    the worst she can say i no!

    im sure she likes you

    hope i helped

  5. well,

    get her a box of chocolates or something like that, then when you see her next, give her the box except put a note in it asking her out  and when she opens the box there will be a little note poking out and you dont have to even speak :)


  6. The difficulty is that the answer is breathtakingly simple, you just do it. It is so easy to put girls on pedestals, as unnapproachable. Fear of rejection is a big deal isn't it. But be sure the rejection, if it happens, is perfectly ok and easy to get over and move on from with pride intact compared with the years of self tortured "if only" that you will go through if you do nothing. "At least I tried" is so much better for your mental well being than, "I never had the courage to ask."

    Come on - from where you are this is so hard, but it isn't really - imagine if the object of your desires moves on and you never did anything. Girls are just other people and are not really scary. They are not looking for perfect delivery, a snappy chat up line, just a simple human approach. If you seem nervous and trip over your words, they won't mind at all. It might well show them that you are someone with emotions and that you care a lot. Don't spend hours agonising and rehearsing, just let it come out spontaneously. Most of us get tongue tied in emotional situations. Well all said and done - so what?

    Best of luck from another human out in the big world who cares for your quandary.

  7. what is your situation, do you work with her, see her daily?

    You just need to get into a situation where its just the two of you so you feel confident in what you are going to say.  

    I am sure she probably has a feeling that you may like her and she is just waiting for you to make the move.

    Simply say to her do you want to get a coffee/lunch/dinner? Its as simple as that and take it from there.

  8. I was in the same situation as you i asked her out went from friends to gf/bf she couldn't handle the change and we never got up to anything at all further then kissing and after 4 months it was over and our friendship has never been the same. My advice is to ask her out in a place some where quite and no one else is around if she says yes try it for a month if you feel its going to plan stay and if not go back to mates before its to late and if she says no be glad you had the courage to ask her i don't think she will tease you about it.

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