
How do I politely get out of a long boring conversation at work?

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What's a polite way to get out of a boring conversation? There's a few people at work that I literally have to avoid because once they get you they talk your ear off about the most mundane things. This women just talked to me for 15 minutes about her tooth. Another woman goes on and on about her grandson. There's not even a break in the conversation where you can cut in. Can't people tell when you're not interested and your eyes are glazed over, yet they won't stop talking? I don't know about anyone else but I can usually tell when someone's not listening to what I'm saying. I used to smile and nod, but now I just stare at my computer and keep typing, and occasionally throw in "Oh really?" They still stand right in front of my desk and talk and talk and talk. I'm not trying to be rude, I do chit chat with people, but I don't need a 20 minute update on someone's grandson every single day.




  1. You just want to say "Will you just shut the h***'re boring me to death with this c**p?" but you can't.  I try to find a break in the conversation and get up from my desk and say I have to do something.  Someone was chewing my ear just this AM for about 10 minutes about the color of the flowers she was going to plant on the side of her house...who the f*** cares?????

  2. That's funny, this is like the 3rd question like this I see today.  We just recently had a new lady start here, and she's just like that, goes on and on and on.  And not to mention she had plenty of (unsolicited) advise for me and my new baby.  And it's hard because you don't want any hurt or ill feelings at work, geez you're there all day with these people, so you want to keep it cool and pleasant.  So what to do?  Just be subtle about it.  Excuse yourself to make "an important call" or "remember you had to go help so and so with a project" or go to the bathroom and wander off to somebody else's office.  It's hard when you just want to yell out "FOR GOD SAKES DON'T YOU EVER SHUT UP??"  LOL!!  

    Of course if you don't care about hurting somebody's feelings or being rude, then sarcasm will always save you.  You can say something like "So what's the grandson story of the day Sally?  Did he blink?"  

    Or "oh all this b.s. reminds me, I gotta go take a dump.."  KIDDING!!!!!  Please don't do that, ........but it would be funny!

  3. How could you not be interested in my grandson?  What's wrong with you?

    You could say, "I'd love to talk, but I have to get this finished in time for an 11am conference call," or whatever would be appropriate for your job.  Tell them your boss has commented on too many people standing around talking, and you want to stay on his good side.  

    But when I come over with pictures of my grandson, you better not use the tactics I suggested on me!

  4. just say nice talking to you but i really need to get back to my work now

  5. my lord, i hear ya.  my ex boss used to talk and talk and talk about NOTHING... some people just have diarrhea of the mouth.  i guess the nice part of it is that you are obviously somebody that people feel comfortable talking to (even if it is about teeth) and you are liked.  

    when this kinda thing happens to me, I usually get up and "go to the bathroom" or "make a quick phone call"... then avoid, avoid, avoid.

  6. act like you need to go down the hall or walk some paperwork somewhere...stand up...

  7. You have to take control.  Politely say that you have something to do.  Thank them for their time and start working.

    Also - if your job allows it - head phones can help too.   IE: if you are sitting typing at a computer all day.  If you have the head phones on and are doing your job in your zone working a way - it makes it very hard to interrupt you for something trivial.

  8. I would smile politely give them about 3minutes to talk and then politely excuse myself to the bathroom or to run an errand that can't wait. No need to go into details with them. If that doesn't work and you have a friend that sits near you and feels the same way you can always be a bit sneaker together. When the start talking to one of you the other can ring that persons phone and that gives you an out of the conversation. You say excuse me I have to take this and the act like its important. The other person doesn't even really have to say anything because you don't want it to be to obvious so its not something to do every single time. Or you can be honest and tell them that you don't have time to talk right now because you have to work. Use your boss as an excuse if you want and say that they've been noticing the long conversations and want you to do more work and less talking.

  9. Politely say you have to go do something.

  10. If you're at work, simply tell them, "I'm sorry, but I have to go back to work now."

  11. omg yes i know this feeling. avoid as much as poss but be friendly when they are there but if you are working keep right on working as you listen like you have been doing. like the others were saying. bathroom . headphone. invent excuse to get away. be evasive in your answers. minimal encouragers. gods some people are just hard work aren't they? its like they are self absorbed. they literally think you care about their grandson or their new bag or what they are selling on some website. my workmate can talk for ages and ages about one thing. then he will repeat himself. then he will talk about it again the next day. over and over and over. i must be distant or i will scream at him to shut up

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