What's a polite way to get out of a boring conversation? There's a few people at work that I literally have to avoid because once they get you they talk your ear off about the most mundane things. This women just talked to me for 15 minutes about her tooth. Another woman goes on and on about her grandson. There's not even a break in the conversation where you can cut in. Can't people tell when you're not interested and your eyes are glazed over, yet they won't stop talking? I don't know about anyone else but I can usually tell when someone's not listening to what I'm saying. I used to smile and nod, but now I just stare at my computer and keep typing, and occasionally throw in "Oh really?" They still stand right in front of my desk and talk and talk and talk. I'm not trying to be rude, I do chit chat with people, but I don't need a 20 minute update on someone's grandson every single day.