
How do I politely hint at customers on the phone to take care of the delivery driver and tip them accordingly?

by Guest33793  |  earlier

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How do I politely hint at customers on the phone to take care of the delivery driver and tip them accordingly?




  1. You politely pay your driver more. If that means adding a few on for delivering, which from gas prices you should, take money from that. It is not law to tip the delivery guy. They walk to your door and hand you food. I go to the grocery store to the deli department, and they slice meat and hand me food, I don't tip them.

    Add more on your delivery prices. Then pass that on to the driver. Shame on you, you should be paying your driver more anyway!!!

  2. "Oh, by the way our delivery drivers no longer carry more than $20 in cash, so please have dollar bills or place the tip on your credit card."

  3. i dont think i would like that.

  4. you don't, you add a tip included

  5. My manager when I was a pizza delivery driver would simply tell them to make sure and take care of the driver - with a nice tone of course. I asked him once if anybody ever gave him c**p for saying it, and he said no everybody says "okay." Yet, people nightly don't tip.

    I imagine if people are set out to not tip, then saying what's above will just get ignored anyways by them or plant a seed in their mind at least.

  6. You should pay the guy a decent wage and let him work on his own tip.

    It used to be that you only tipped for better than usual service, but nowadays even the worst servers expect to be tipped.

  7. you don't....ever.

    Concentrate on getting the order right, BOZO!

  8. If I want to tip then I'll tip. I  don't need "reminding" and  even polite hints would make me think twice about  ordering  a pizza to be  delivered from the same establishment a second time.

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