
How do I politely say no to everyone wanting free stuff out of my garden?

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I planted a good size garden this year with the intent that I would freeze the veggies to feed my family so I can save money, teach my children something different, and eat healthy. I also finally replaced the chickens we lost during a hurricane to save money on eggs, the prices are crazy.

My problem- my neighbors, some friends, and family members that have not offered once to help me keep asking for stuff. If I say yes to everyone, then I will have nothing left for my family. My mother in law who refused to get sweaty to help wanted 2 bushels of peas to take home and give away. My saying no just made her angry. One of my neighbors keep hinting around for a basket full. Only one of them offered to buy eggs. I work every morning and evening, If it was a hobby I'd probably give it all away, but it has a purpose for my family.




  1. I think you should jus tell them the truth. "I'm sorry if I had enough I would definatley give some of my stuff from my garden away but prices are crazy I need to feed my family I'm sorry I hope you will understand." If they dont then they are being imature but you cant make evryone happy and at least it seems that your family is very important to you so you shouldn't be giving your food away.  It is like you buying groceries and have your family neighbors wanting to take them, that is just not right.

  2. Tell then ever since the septic system overflowed into the garden its been growing better than ever!

  3. I think you wrote your own response in your letter..."I planted a good size garden this year with the intent that I would freeze the veggies to feed my family so I can save money, teach my children something different, and eat healthy." What's wrong with saying the truth? You have a family to feed and you are trying to supplement your food bill by growing your own. Anyone who doesn't understand this definitely doesn't deserve anything.

  4. That's a sticky I can see.

    Simply tell them your canning/freezing for the impending recession.At my house I would just let my boyfriend deal with it.At 6'5" and 225 he makes an intense presence.He has the appetite of a starved football player.

    Good Luck

  5. Perhaps you need a copy of the story that I read to my children.  The one about the little red hen that asked "who will help me plant my grain" and the cat, dog, and something else answered "not I".  (I'm sure that you read the story) In the end she has planted, watered, and harvested the grain and asks "who will help me eat the bread" to which everyone said "I will" and she simply says "I DON'T THINK SO!!"  Well actually that ain't what she said but she should have.  Gardening is hard work.  It is relaxing and productive but most people don't understand what the big deal is.  They should get out there and do some of the work.  Let them know that if they want to work on "halves" to come on over but I am almost sure that they don't want to do the work.  Put up a sign for the eggs.  Price them just under the cost at the local market and make you some money.  After all, who is having to buy the feed?  Who is having to weed the garden?  

    Perhaps you could start the conversation with, "Gosh, with the price of gas going so high this year, I'm sure glad that I have planted this garden.  I just don't know how people who don't garden are going to make ends meet."  Then let them know that you're canning and freezing stuff so that you and your kids can have that money for other stuff.  If they get angry, they will get over it.  If not then you probably won't have to worry about them coming over to eat the stuff up this winter.  (Another good story is the ant and the grasshopper!)

    Sometime soon say "you know just the other day I was on the internet and this guy was griping about his deadbeat family eating up his garden".  I'll take the blame...

  6. Well personally. I think you might sell some of the stuff. You know make a profit and feed your family. DONT SETTLE FOR LESS. you work you tail off doing this and i understand. People should be paying top dollar for organic free range eggs and fresh from the garden veggies. Tell them no. and if they get mad tell them they can pay or contribute to soil or seeds or just labor.

    Good luck sweetie.

  7. How about a little fib? Say you have started a list of people who would like things from your garden and you will add their names to the list and phone them when their turn comes.

    If they make further requests, just laugh and say it's a long list.

    It sounds like a great garden . I know how much work it takes.


  8. I cannot believe that people blatantly ask you for food from your garden. Two bushels???!!! The nerve! Mother-in-law or no, that is just wrong.  I am sorry you are experiencing this.  You simply have to put your foot down and tell people that all your hard work is for feeding your family.  Maybe that way people will realize they can't have something for nothing.  I know how much work it is as my mother always had a garden to feed her large family and spent hours into the we hours of the morning canning fruits and vegetables.  We kids did a lot of weeding, rock pulling, picking, peeling, pitting and jar washing.  Good luck with this. Get tough girl. Just remember these simple words, "I'm sorry, all my hard work if to feed my family."

  9. Try giving them tips on how to plant and maintain thier own gardens, and if that doesn't work than just assert yourself and tell them you are trying to feed your own family.. I am a big believer of possitive assertive behavior.. Sometimes you have to tell people the cold, hard truth and see what happens..

  10. tell them you trade produce for steak and leave it at that

  11. You can tell them what you have described here re: your reasons for planting such a large garden. You can then tell them that if you have any left over, you'll sure keep them in mind. Then, don't worry about it. After working hard all day, curl up with your kids and read them the story "The Little Red Hen", who had your same problem. Moral of the story - she did all the work without anyone else willing to help, so she got to reap the rewards while everyone else whined. (Maybe you should give your mother-in-law a copy of the book too) ;-)

  12. just nicely tell them that you planned on freezing/canning your a means to help cut costs for your family. offer them your seed catalogues to browse if they want to purchase thier own seeds and laugh at the glazed and bored expression on thier faces.people do not realize the work involved in growing your own produce !  except for when it comes to zuchinni. as a child i can remember my mother had  my brother and i leave zuchinni on the neighbors doorstep,ring the bell and run.

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