
How do I politley decline a job interview?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, on the Delta Airlines web site..

I wasn't paying attention when I filled something out, It was for a job of a flight attendant.

I gave my name, address, told them I was willing to relocate and such.. But I thought it was something that they would just keep on file.. After I was done, they said I will get a card in the mail, or they'll call me within 2 weeks..

What do I do? The site won't let me delete my info.

I'm not ready for this job yet.

I am overweight, and I want to get bills paid off before I get serious about it, since they don't pay well at first..

If they call what do I tell them, without them being offended, and hurting my chances of applying again? I really thought it was just a questionare.

Please help me!




  1. Just be honest. You are not going to offend them. If and when they call, simply tell them you have decided on other avenues, and thank them for their interest in you. That will come accross as professional and courteous, and trust me, they will not be offended. They probably have thousands of candidates to contact and you just saved them some time. They would rather you decline up front than go through all the hoops and then decline.


  2. Thats really no big deal. Just be polite about it. Tell a little white lie. Explain you just got another offer for a job at a company that you have been wanting to work for so you are going to try it for a while, and then throw in that  sometime in the future possibly that you would still be interested in working for Delta, but now is just not a good time for you to make the commitment with them.

    Above all just be polite.  

  3. If you receive a card, it will have a contact number on it. Just call and tell them you need to cancel the interview. You can even leave a voice mail message, it you want.

    If they call you, simply tell them you've decided not to interview at this time. You don't need to go into the particulars of why.

    But definitely think about applying again, when you've got it all together. Every flight attendant I've ever known has loved the travel, pay and benefits of this job.  

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