
How do I post a message on the Yahoo! message board?

by Guest45035  |  earlier

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I was on the Yahoo! message board and I want to post something about my Avatar and I don't know how.




  1. How to Post << Previous | Next >>  

    Click the "Reply" or "Post" link at the top of the page.

    Please note: On Yahoo! Message Boards, replying to a message and posting a message are the same.

    If you have not signed in, you will be prompted to do so. If you do not have a Yahoo! ID, you can register for your free ID now.

    If you have never used Yahoo! Message Boards, you will be asked to complete an alternate email address verification form. You will only have to do this once.

    You will be sent to the Post a Message page. Simply choose your identity, fill in the subject header for your message, type your message, and click "Post Message."

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