
How do I prepare and cook plantain bananas?

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How do I prepare and cook plantain bananas?




  1. look at for Alton Brown's method.

  2. i use olive oil or butter heated in a pan.  i add some vanilla (or other flavoring) and brown sugar.  you can use them like a veggie in stews and soups, too.

  3. What we tend to do is cook bacon in a pan and then fry the plantain in the bacon fat its yummy

  4. boil, mash and make manngoo. My GF who is Domician makes this all the time... Add some red onions and some fried cheese and it's so good!

  5. first you gotta make sure that's it's ripe (not green).  Then, you can either fry or boil it.

    FRY: Peal and cut, fry on medium - high heat until golden brown.

    BOIL: Cut in 2 - 3 pieces and put in boiling water (with skin, do not peal yet).  Boil for approx. 10-15 mins or until slightly soft.  Let cool then peal and cut accordingly.

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