
How do I prevent Motion Sickness on an airplane?

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Everytime im on an airplane i always get motion sickness when the plane takes off and lands and sometimes during turbulence.. I cant eat of anything when this happens cos i feel like vomiting.. Is there anything I can do or take to prevent this..??




  1. The ancient Geeks named it. The word "nausea" is the Greek word for "sea." But motion sickness also occurs in cars, airplanes, amusement park rides - and when riding camels and elephants. These animals sway from side to side as they walk. Motion sickness is a major headache in space travel. Even though astronauts are carefully screened, more than half experience it.

    On airplanes, look out the window, recline your seat, and direct the air vent on yourself.  Avoid sights and odors of food.

    Serve small, light snacks before and during the trip. Offer frequent small drinks of cold water, juice or soda.

    Other remedies include:

    Ginger may reduce vomiting. A diet high in carbohydrate allegedly helps. Acupuncture and acupressure applied just above the wrist is sometimes recommended. "Roast beef and cabbage stays down while the daintiest dishes the pantry prepares are promptly rejected," says an old British medical text.


    Antihistamines - especially dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl), for example - help reduce the incidence and severity of symptoms. Medication takes about 30 minutes to take effect. Check with your health care provider regarding age limits, dosage, frequency of administration, and side effects. Transderm Scop, the most frequently used medication for adults, is not approved for children because of possible side effects.

  2. try ginger tablets, my aunty uses them and they help lots aparently.

  3. It is actually normal to feel that especially on an airplane.  You can Drink or eat anti motion sickness medicine before your flight. Eat candy on flight to make your mouth busy and make you feel at ease. This might help you out..

  4. Chica, I have the same problem. I cannot eat anything before I travel... because I get motion sickness and to avoid vomiting... I don't eat. Anyways, you should take pills for motion sickness... they really help! Look them up online...

  5. I always say I get seasick in the bathtub, but we love to travel, so I've never let it stop me!  I've tried a number of things depending on how we're traveling and what we're doing.  Here's our page on motion sickness....  you can see some of the options.

    Read what the  US Center for Disease Control has to say here:

    Happy travels... even if you don't travel the world... just remember that life is a journey... embrace and enjoy it!

  6. Take Dramamine or Bonine one hour before the flight. They can be bought over-the-counter. If it doesn't work, try taking a nap during the flight.

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