
How do I prevent from flipping over my board when surfing ( when catching waves)?

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When trying to catch waves, I was told to practice paddling and ride waves without trying to stand up on my board. But when I try this I almost always get flipped head-over-heels by the wave. I thought I might have been up to far on my board, so I tried scooting further back; this did not work. It seems like this happens when I catch the wave and I'm almost at the top of it; I then fall (depending on how many feet the wave was) over my board a couple of feet, doing a flip and crashing into the water head first. So what do I do to prevent this?




  1. This is a question I could answer better for you in the water. Some of the other answers here have the right idea. For one, you have to speed up your standing up on the board. Also, work on your take off angle. It sounds like you are paddling perpendicular to the wave, when you should be angled in the direction it's going to break. Just spend time, and practice, you will get it right. Angle your take off, stand up fast and make your first turn quickly. You can only get better with practice, get off the computer and go to the beach.

  2. i find it easier to stand up..... don't listen to whoever told you this.... i don't know why they told you this.... but it's easier to just stand up, and fall in love with the smooth waves.....  it's all you think aobut when your surfing...

    just try to stand....

  3. hmm, you might be catching the wave at an odd angle, make sure you catch it in the direction the wave is going, and turn around to catch the wave nice and early. I think maybe your not generating enough speed, paddle like h**l! The reason you're flipping is probably that you're going slower than the wave is and so it just overtakes you after its broken and flips you.. Just make sure you go nice and fast, and train so that you can generate the required speed. Hope i helped.

  4. well pretty much you have to find balance between you and the experiment or something cause sometimes people have different spots where they are totally balenced in the weirdest places idk just try it out or something

  5. dude you might be using a surfboard which is not yet applicable for your skill.try using a long board first, the bigger the better & it will be really impossible not to get the balance. kip it KUL & Simpul ! ! surf's Up!

  6. you are either too far up or too far back, most likely too far up, ususally the spot you need to be your eyes should be where the logo is. what size board are you using?

  7. yeah, i agree with Ernie. it sounds to me as though you are definitley not fast enough. i've been there and it is frustrating!! i got over it by paddling a couple more times than normal and also doing exercises other than surfing (i did swimming and by building the power up in my arms, it really helped). but yes, ernie is right

  8. Sounds like you're 'pearling'...

    I'd recommend a longboard, (at least 9'), and maybe try being on your knees instead of laying down. Once you start down the face of the wave you can lean back if you see the nose heading into the water to pull it up.

    Here's a terrific article I always recommend to beginners called "Learn How to Surf in One Day":

    Good luck!

  9. i think u are leaning to farback. u may be moving back but still leaning forward but dont move too far back or u will fall the other way

    good luk

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