
How do I prevent my feet/foot from cramping while swimming?

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i was on the swim team for 6 years, 4 years ago. Now i'm starting lifeguard training and I'm concerned because every once in a while when I swim laps I get foot cramps. I cant get foot cramps while training to be a lifeguard. i need tips!! What can I do to prevent it!




  1. Eat bananas and make sure you stretch your feet. Standing on a step and going up and down on your toes works well.  It really sucks when you get cramps, though, cause they can hurt for days!

  2. I had the same problem. I was told by a doctor that potasium can really help (vitamin supplement or from bananas, etc). So now I just eat a banana yogart several hours before I go in the water and I've never had another cramp since.

    Good Luck

  3. My coach told me to in the air, write the alphabet with my feet whenever I get the chance.  I've been doing it lately and it really helped.  Also, remember to eat bananas!

    Good luck! :)

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