
How do I prevent my lips from becoming chap all the time?

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I put chap stick on but I have to like constantly l**k my lips.




  1. put petroleum jelly on them..put a lot  befor u go to bed... and put some wen u go out... but not too much, they'll call u saliva man haha..

    no, im serious... goodluck!!! .

  2. carmex or blistex

  3. burts bee lip balm

  4. Try drinking more water. Also, if chapstick does not work, try vitamin-e capsules. You can puncture the clear capsule with a straight pin and apply to your lips.

  5. aquaphor works best for me.  one problem could be how often you apply the chapstick though, people easily become dependent on chapstick and therefore their lips actually get chapped faster.  use something different on your lips like aquaphor or vaseline or blistex and apply those a lot less often than you would the chapstick youre using now.  for a more immediate fix it always works when i scrub my lips using a towel and my regular facewash ( i use cetaphil) and then put on aquaphor.. theyre so smooth and right away.  

  6. l*****g your lips actually makes them more chapped. it's a true fact.

    try aquaphor it really helps me!

  7. After getting out of the shower or washing your face, take a towel and gently rub your lips. This will help to get the dead skin off. That's what's making your lips dry. After you're done rubbing your lips a little bit, put on some thick lip balm, like Blistex, Carmax, or petroleum jelly. Do this every other day to every two days. It will help :)

  8. QUIT l*****g YOUR LIPS!!!!!

  9. hold off on the chapstick for a few days

  10. Drink more water. Chapped lips can be a sign that you aren't getting enough hydration throughout the day.

  11. drink lots of water!

    the reason ur lips are always chapped is because you are dehydrated!

    same thing happened to me until i started drinking more water!

  12. as simple was using chap stick use it when ever our lips feel dry.

    use the one from crabtree and evenly with jojoba oil

    i have very dry lips and it work really well for me  

  13. that doesnt make any sense ?

    your definetly not supposed to l**k your lips because that GIVES you chapped lips..just put on chapstick and then leave em alone

  14. what kind of chapstick are you using.. get you some of the old school cheap carmex.. get it on a stick though makes it easier and you dont get that nasty greasy finger affect.. l*****g your lips isnt helping.. its only drying them out even more.

  15. instead of chap stick try blistex. it worked really well for me!

  16. vaseline.


    nivea lip care.

  17. Use vaseline. It really works.

  18. First off, stop liking your lips! It makes it worse!

    Secondly, drink more water. Dry lips tell you that you're dehydrated.

    And lastly, use a really thick chap stick [Burts Bees and Blistex makes some good ones] or a lip conditioner.

  19. try to avoid l*****g your lips. if ur a girl, buy sum lipgloss that tastes not so good. that'll prevent you from l*****g ur lips so they wont get chapped. :)

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