
How do I prevent rats getting into my restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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They live in the kitchen and have become quite tame as we alow them to fun around the food to help themselves. However it does not seem a good idea to alow them into the restaurant while customers are there. We take good care to hide them away when the heath inspector malkes a visit as he can get a little upset




  1. Bloody taxmen get everywhere nowadays don't they.

  2. Close the doors or make it entrance by ticket only.

  3. i will never it at yr restaurant clean up pliz

  4. Tell us where your restaurant is and I will report you to immigration. That will make the little porchmonkeys run.

  5. Buy A Great Big Cat  and do tell me where your restaurant is so I can avoid it like the plague.

  6. open a food less restorent

  7. please email me the name of your resturant and the location so i can run in the opposite direciton.  what is wrong with your dumb self?  never heard of the bubonic plague?

  8. Rat In Me Kitchen - UB40

    There's a rat in me kitchen what am I gonna do?

    There's a rat in me kitchen what am I gonna go?

    I'm gonna fix that rat thats what I'm gonna do,

    I'm gonna fix that rat.

  9. contact your local environmental health officer who will advise you depending upon where in the world you are.

    Possibly another planet from your question. Good username too, JOE KING(JOKING)......

  10. Why don't you make a profit off of them?  Skin 'em, let them marinade overnight, and then bake them off in a 350 F oven for say an hour or so....a little paprika and some parsley and you have a Chinese delicacy!

  11. Build a biiiiiiigggg step so they can't come in.

    Failing that make rat au vin...... take a large rat, and a van the rest writes itself!

  12. Yeah...right.

  13. keep it clean, rats dont like clean places.

  14. Dude.  You're letting rats *eat* the food you'll be serving to others?!?  Please please call an exterminator to relocate the rats and tell you where they're coming in so you can fix it!  

    This practice you're doing is so unsanitary it's beyond comprehension.  You have no idea what kind of fleas, mites, bugs, and germs they have!  Please fix this.

    Good luck.

  15. I would enforce a strict dress code. I suggest jacket and tie. It might keep the rats out it might not. But at least you won't have any of those scruffy footballers or pop stars tarting about.

  16. Ah Joe, I havent seen any posts from you in a while, still raising a smile!! Hm, Rats....see you need someone who speaks Rat to communicate to them that they need to keep a low profile at certain times of the day! I shall send my sisters rat Bonzo round to have a word in their furry ears like!! xx

  17. sorry this has to be a wined up

  18. Get rat traps put around by a pest controller

  19. How about clean the place? Whats the name of your restaurant? I am never going there...that's messed up dude!

  20. Have you heared of the pied piper well he charges 2 thou an hour but he'll get rid of them. However why not get the rats to rise up against the human race and you will rule the world. mwa ha ha mwa ha ha.

  21. How about making the place a take away - then people would never see the rats.

  22. your gross you should be shut down FREAKOID

  23. Serve rattatouile.

  24. C/mon mate i think you'r being a harsh , Bush and Blair should be allowed to eat anywhere they want !

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