
How do I proceed with this problem on Credit Cards with the person being dead?

by  |  earlier

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My husband died a little over a month ago and he owes on some cc debts. My name was never on them and the companies do not know that I even exist. How do I handle them now? They have all been sent Certified Death Certificates stating that he is dead. I am on SS and don't know what to do now about this problem nor can I pay them off. I don't know where to go to get information about the law, as he left no " Will" or assets to sell to pay for anything. Thanks




  1. If your husband left no assets you don't have a lot to worry about. The credit company's can come after you but most will not. If you are not on the card they can still track you down and you more then likely get a few calls. The good news is that's its against the law to take someones SS income. If you are contacted just tell them again that your husband past away and left no assets Hope that helps.

  2. seek free legal counseling. if you don't know where to find it check out the local town hall or library who'll have the info who to contact. You did the right thing to mail out death certs to his creditors.

  3. i think i have your perfect solution. there's this site, , where you can get a credit card especially made for people that have bad credit or no credit at all. you just gotta give them your information, they'll look into it and get back to you with how much of a credit line you will be able to get. your gauranteed at least 2000 i believe.

  4. do you or your husband have / had a superannuation fund account. You may be able to claim some money on the grounds of financial hardship.

  5. Since you    were married ,you have a joint credit. You are liable for this debt as if ti was ur own. Most credit card companies won't go after you though.  

  6. these bills are not your responsability. it doesn't matter if he made them while you were married or not. they can not LEGALLY go after you or put anything against you on your credit report if you were never on it.if they try to do so contact an attorney NOT a credit counciling group as other suggested as it is illegial to collect from a unnamed party. the only things they could do is to go after the estate if there was one, they can not go after you personally. keep sending them the death certificates, keep copies in a log of everyone you send them to and when incase you end up getting an attorney.

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