
How do I pronounce these korean letters? ã…š ã…Ÿ?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks it would be more helpful if there was audio samples but please try your best.




  1. ㅚ  the 'we' of 'wet'

    ㅟ the 'whea' of 'wheat'

    ㅚ (we)t

    ㅟ (whea)t

    But you need to speak them in a low tone (no squeaky voice)

    ㅟ is sort of 'oo' + 'ee' (ㅟ in western phonetics)

    ㅟ is sort of 'u' + 'i'     (ㅟ in asian phonetics)

    but without a gap in between for a breathe

    The First SWF (Flash File) in my source also has audio sounds and an excellent guide to the pronunciations.

    The second is quite good too if you click the bottom option in the right hand menu. It has the pronunciations for many combined characters. 대,데,디,뒤...

    The third will have to be a suprise.

    Good Luck

  2. First of all these are vowels and I will pronounce them with the traditional paired consanant 'ah'

    The first sounds like 'wea' with a short e (as in elk) and short a (as in apple) This also means an informal 'why'

    The second one sounds like 'whea'; exactly like wheat with out whea (the h and a are also still silent) This also means an informal and not so commonly used 'up' Hope this helped!

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