
How do I properly take the birth control pill?

by  |  earlier

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I just started the 28 day Trinessa this past Sunday (August 17th) and know that I have to take all the pills and continue a second pack if I run out. My question is about the 7 green pills? Are those the ones you take during your period? Do you take any of the pills during your period? I am really confused and I don't want to mess it up. Thanks!




  1. If you have 28 pills in the pack then yes you always take them everyday. Although its not to important if you miss the ones that you take during your period because usually they are just sugar pills to keep you in the habit of taking them. Plus you start a new pack as soon as you finish the last pack.

  2. You take the placebo (sugar pills) after you take the 3 weeks worth of hormone pills. The sugar pills are what triggers your period to start. Once the placebo pills are gone you start a new pack starting with the hormone pills.

  3. yeah you just keep taking them... everyday at the same time.... period or not, just keep going.

  4. I am not familiar with your particular pills, however, I have a degree in pharmaceutical sciences.  As someone mentioned, the last 7 pills out of 28 pills are placebos (sugar pills).  These just do not contain active ingredients, therefore, you don't have to take them as long as you remember to start taking a new pack after 7 days.  These 7 pills help to remind you to start a new pack once you're done with 28 pills, that's all.  Many find it easier to take sugar pills rather than skipping them.  As long as you take the first 21 pills correctly, the birth control pills will do what they are supposed to do.

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