
How do I protect my brother? ?

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I am a 17 yr old girl who goes to school and I have a 13 yr old brother. My dad left when my brother was born and since then my mum has been very abusive towards me. She always tells me how ugly and fat I am and seems to take pleasure in making me cry. When I was younger she used to use a belt to whip my back until it bled for trivial things like asking a question when she was in a bad mood. I am constantly made to do all the chores in the house, and when something isn't to her liking I would get punished. The other week I accidently burnt her dinner and in return she pressed my hand against the hot cooker until I could feel my flesh burning. I am made to sleep in the garden at least severaly times a week because she doesn't want me in the house. When I was 14 yrs old I started cutting my wrists to deal with it. But a few years later my mum found out and dragged me down to the kitchen where she got a knife and cut my arms to teach me a lesson.

So far, she has only hurt me and has left my younger brother entirely alone. However, I will be leaving for university when I turn 18, and I am so scared that when I am gone, she will start hurting my brother.

I was so scared of this that last week I finally called a childline. They were extremely nice, and when they contacted social services for me I was so relieved that my brother would be saved from my mum's cruelty. But when social services turned up at my house, my mum acted like a woman who was faithfully struggling to care for her difficult kids whilst coping with the heartbreak of my dad leaving. She got a kind word of warning and that was the end of it !

As soon as they left, my mum beat me to unconsciousness and locked me in the cupboard under the stairs.

The next day I told a teacher at school that my mum hurts me but my teacher just told me to contact a helpline...

I have no idea what to do now short of kidnapping my brother.

Please, any ideas are very welcome..




  1. this may sound terrible but video her beating you, or show the custody services your scars until they take action, your mother is not fit to be called a mother. i am extremely sorry for this

  2. continue to keep calling the police or a hot line or social services and if there are marks on you take pictures and stuff. set up a camera so that it records when she beats on you. if you want to help your brother this si what you need to do


  4. omg im sooo sorry what happened to you omg i know there are bad parents like that in the world ok but you should have called the police and told them about what your mother has done and for your brother he should be taken in by one of the relatives or why doesnt  he go to  like a little service place that will keep him safe from your mother as for you im ver very very sorry you shouldnt be living this way

  5. This sounds awful. And it sounds like people are ignoring you. You need to ask the teacher or an adult in your school to get help. You could try childline again, but this time make sure that they take you from your mother, if you explain the situation again, and what happened last time you called them then I'm sure they will, they must do.

    I hope you're situation is sorted out. I hope your little brother will be fine.

  6. I'm really sorry to hear this, all I can suggest is if you have physical evidence then go to the police and show them scars and such they will deal with it your brother will be put in care and hopefully she will get banged up not for long cos it's the British legal system but with the conviction she won't get you brother back and he will live in either a foster home or a children's home but by the sounds of what he might be in for they are better options.

  7. personally i think your full of s.h.i.t.e.

    *edit* sorry i fogot to mention

  8. Call the police you cant take that risk with your younger brother

    thats horrible im sorry ): call the police show them your bruises get your mom help that is child abuse and neglect and you have to tell the police that if your mom finds out that you talked to them she will hurt you again dont let the police fall for your moms fake nice mother act get help omg  this is so  sad i feel so bad and i dont want this  to happpen to ur brother please omg get help call the police !!!!!!!!  ill always keep you guys in my prayers  

  9. Call the police and child protective services again and tell them that your mom beat you till were unconscious.  Point out your scars and tell them very clearly that you are trying to protect your brother.  Call as quickly as you can after the act and keep telling until you find someone who believes you.  Also, later in life, if you decide to have children of your own and you feel this type of hurtful and violent rage come over you get help before you repeat the cycle.  It is the sign of a strong and kind person to admit their flaws and try to deal with their feelings appropriately.  You are not alone, there are many people who have been raised in these same circumstances.  Your mother is weak, use her example but do not become bitter. Remember, keep telling until someone believes you.

  10. Call social services yourself and show them bruises, scars etc what ever you can and for your teacher, she could lose her job for not informing social services herself. Good Luck x

  11. Ok im sorry if its not, but this sounds totally false, social services ould take you into custody and INTENSLY interview you friends family and your mother, and any scarring you SHOULD have would be taken into question and the physical evidence could easily win a case like this not to mention your brother testifying too, and a teacher wouldnt do that, theyd contact the principal who would call the police. sorry doll but i read a lot. that sounds fake

  12. call the police, those hot lines dont do **** all, she needs to be thrown in prison.  

  13. u shud get her jailed! and beat her up next day  

  14. Hm that is so tight!!

    cant u take ur brother with u..

    leave ur mum to a mental hospital.. i think she needs help

    sorry x

  15. If your for real then you need to kill that Bit*h !!! I can't believe you have lived with her for as long as you have!!! Take your brother with you if he wants to go!!! Set up hidden cameras in your house and get proof of the abuse...even a voice recorder. Do anything to get proof of her insanity and abusiveness to help you with custody. However, maybe it's just you she has issues with. you could talk to your brother about this and see what he wants to do, maybe he feels safe with her, maybe he is safe with her. Watch him closely and keep in touch while you are away, the first sign of abuse...get him out of there asap!!! good luck.

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