
How do I protect my eye vision?

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My eye sight vision is at 500+ so far (or more! :O) and it's getting really bad and I REALLY REALLY HOPE I won't become blind! (Is 1000 the degrees that you become blind at?) I'm reducing the amount of time I use the computer, television and other technologies that require facing at for an amount of time. But I have a job where I need to face the computer for a long time during my work hours. If I get eye contacts, will my eye sight degrees be back at 0 or still without the eye contacts, my eye sight will be very bad? Plus, I look better with glasses..if I get rid of glasses, I look weird, but that's less important. I just want to protect my eye vision from becoming worse.




  1. You will not become blind just from your visual acuity worsening.  You will just need thicker and thicker lenses.  

    Computers and TV can cause eyestrain, headache, and fatigue, but they do not have any permanent effects on your vision.  To reduce strain: take breaks from the screen by looking in the distance for 20 seconds ever 20 minutes, use eye drops to keep your eyes lubricated, have adequate lighting in your surroundings, and have your screen at least arm's length away.

    Contacts will not change your uncorrected vision; they simply focus light into your eyes correctly like glasses.  If you like wearing glasses, then just stick with them.  If you want to try contacts, you can get a trial pair from your optometrist.  Neither glasses nor contacts prevent your vision from getting worse.

  2. "Is 1000 the degrees that you become blind at?"

    no.  there is no Rx that defines "blindness".  if you becomes +10.00, you still wont be "blind".

    "If I get eye contacts, will my eye sight degrees be back at 0 or still without the eye contacts, my eye sight will be very bad?"

    no, contacts are not therapeutic in that way.  wearing contacts will not make you "better" or zero.  wearing contacts will not make you worse.  it wont matter.  wearing contacts will only have a different appearance to your face.

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