
How do I protect my son from these people?

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Neighbors recently informed us that their 5 (almost 6) yo son has been telling stories of "nasty" play involving our son, who is 8. Our son denies that any of this ever happened, and he really does not play with this child much and usually outside in full view of adults.

This boy was heard by another parent asking another 5 year old if he wanted to take his clothes off and that this is some sort of game he plays with our son. Then he started telling his parents all kinds of wild stories involving pee and excrement and so forth.

Anyway, we believe our son. There is absolutely nothing beyond the words of this child to his parents, who have a very unstable home and allow the child to watch PG-13 and R rated movies. They are constantly on the "verge of divorce" and the father has told my husband that his wife abuses pain meds.

Anyway, they are now telling all of the neighbors that our son "taught" their son to do these things. Would do we do?




  1. Tell your son that you believe him and that these sort of things are inappropriate.  If he has any thing to tell you about playing with this boy, that he can tell you and that you won't be mad.  Then I would make sure NEVER to let these children play together again.  Inside, outside, no where!!

  2. Keep your kid away from the other child..... no playing with him at all.

    Do not let your child play unsupervised with any kids.

    You assume that your kid is telling the truth, the other kid's parents assume their kid is telling the truth.   The truth is, the only kids who know the truth are the ones telling opposite stories.

    Don't assume that just because your home is the perfect home and their home is not that you know the truth.   Your child has as much reason to lie, as the  other kid does.  

    So don't assume, when your child is playing with other kids,  he is doing so in your sight.   If for no other reason then you will be able to say, "That's B.S., I was there the whole time and none of it ever happened"

  3. I'd definitely get a lawyer.  Inform them that they will stay out of your hard, their child will stay out of your yard, and all libelous gossip about you will cease, or a lawsuit will be filed.

    TX Mom

  4. The kid is only 5. Based on what you told me i can see that the 5 year old had exposed to inappropriate movies and is making up stories that isn't true. Around 4, 5, 6 is when kids learn lying  is bad. From what can see, his parents aren't being very responsible to teach him that if he did ly. It sounds like he either is making up stories or possibly got your son mix up with someone else. Just remember You know you can trust your son, from this situation i think your son is innocent.

  5. You can get the police involved, file a defamation suit. I have a neighbor who's a few cans short of a 6 pack and she's always trying to start something. Talk to the neighbors. Let them know that if they have questions to come to you.

  6. i think u should talk 2 otha people on ure street who ave kids and ask them about their childs "tales" ov this child

    eyy, who am i to talk, i ****** my son.

  7. Defend your son. If anyone brings it up, tell them your son is innocent and its sad that the other couple feels the need to defame your child's character. I'd keep your child away from that boy at all costs. Hopefully the other families in the neighborhood know who is most likely telling the truth. If not, at least your child will only be playing with children whose parent's believe you.

  8. For starters I would not allow your son to be around this kid at all (which I'm sure you've already thought of). I would go knock on the door of the boys home and talk to the parents about front of the boy. Kids are more likely to come clean in front of their parents. Hopefully these parents are capable of a calm discusion about this matter.

  9. omg MOVE.   File a restraining order.

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