
How do I pull off the scene look? ADViiCE?

by Guest66838  |  earlier

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How do I pull off the scene look? ADViiCE?




  1. 1. get a totally retarded hairstyle which looks like a cross between a bird's nest & a cavewoman's bush

    2.Use the world's supply of eyeliner and hairspray, all whilst promoting environmental protection

    3. Have an irrational obsession with so-called "random things (ie robots, dinosaurs)


    5. PROFIT!

  2. Be yourself.

    Wear black eyeliner, skinny jeans, graphic tee, converse low tops in black, tease your hair, clear skin, stick skinny, face piercing(snake bites, nose piercing, eyebrow).

  3. by not doing it.

  4. Stop trying so hard.

  5. okay if u have to ask u cant be scene or watever

    I can totally tell that u dnt even no what its about

    so stop trying

    ur just gonna look stupid

    lots of people take it very seriously

    and by u trying to be "scene" ur just ruining it

    like I said if u have to ask there is no hope for u

    so stop trying

    ur a discrace

  6. Become active on Myspace, Facebook, Stickam, Buzznet and other social networking sites. Post tons of pictures of yourself and the shows you've been to. Taking photos will take a while, so remember to practice. Don't put up too many pictures before you know how to take good ones, however, or you'll just look dumb. Add as many friends as you can, including random scene kids, and check out what they are listening to. Download every song ever recorded by that band and research the band's history. Look up the band on iTunes and you'll see a bunch of other probably scene bands under 'Users also bought'. Download every song by these bands too, and soon you'll be well-educated in scene music.

    Get Scene Hair. Scene hair is usually black or bleached blonde and sometimes has random neon streaks such as pink or green in it, but this is not a must. Its usually very big and puffy at the top, the size of this depending on the length of your layers. There are many variations of scene hair, so feel free to invent your own, but be warned that it may not turn out to be scene in the end. The hair is the most important part of a scene kid: if you don't have the hair, you really have nothing.

    Wear eyeliner. Black eyeliner is a must for all scene kids, especially the girls. Start out with the pencil eyeliner, as it is easier to apply and doesn't get as messy if you make a mistake. Once you get better at applying this, you can gradually start using liquid liner. Liquid is good for getting that cat-eye look, and looks very neat - but be warned, it's easy to mess up. There are many variations of eyeliner; wings on the outside of the eye tend to be popular. Make sure both eyes are symmetrical, or you'll end up looking like an idiot.

    Wear skinny jeans or straight leg jeans. While the tighter the better, find a decent fit for you, because no one will talk to you if you look like a fashion victim. Girls are recommended to have tight form-fitting jeans in a vintage or dark wash. Once you start developing your own style you can wear different washes and styles - but remember that they must be skinny! Patterned tights (e.g. cheetah, zebra, tiger print, or hearts and stars) look great peeking out under ripped jeans.

    Girls can also wear denim skirts or black stretch skirts, as long as a decent pair of leggings are worn underneath (remember, you can never go wrong with a pair of solid black leggings).

    Guys should find a decent fitting pair of girl jeans, or somewhat fitted straight leg jeans as well. The tighter the better, but don't die from asphyxiation!

    Stock up on band shirts and graphic shirts. If you've done your music research, load up on classic band t-shirts (e.g. Enter Shikari). Get the tightest fitting t-shirt, within reason. Don't wear crew necks often, as they can be very unflattering.

    Look for shirts that have the "old" feel. If you can actually find a vintage shirt, more scene points.

    Pokemon shirts and shirts with foil print have become rather overdone and passe - try to avoid them or you'll look like a throwback to last year.

    Shirts with spiders, cobwebs, birds, brains, Disney characters, skulls, dinosaurs, and the like are also acceptable.

    Get classic shoes. Start with Vans Classics, or some Converse, then branch out to any style you want.

    For girls, ballet flats and other formal low heeled shoesboots of any kind are accepted.


    If you're a girl, invest in necklaces that have spiders, broken hearts, owls, keys, cobwebs, skulls and the like.

    Oversized sunglasses with thick black or white frames are acceptable, and cat-eye frames are another good choice. Wear a shape that flatters your face. If your face is round, wear square glasses, if your face is square, wear round glasses, and if your face is oval, wear whatever you prefer.

    Girls should wear plenty of pastel-colored hair barrettes, clips, ribbons, and bows. If bows or barrettes don't look good on you, you can always play it safe and use bobby pins.

    If you're a guy, keep your keys dangling on the side with a carabiner attached to a belt loop.

    Take up the scene writing style.

    Add extra letters to many of your words. For example: "kiid" "kayy" "babyy".

    Spelling your name in odd ways is popular as well, as is giving yourself a second name in addition to your first.

    Use scene lingo like "rad", "ace" and "stellar". “Rawr” is dead and so last year. Stop using it or you’ll look lame.

    When you do write comments on people's pictures, always end them with "xoxo" "x" or "<333" and even little smiley faces like ":]" or some variation of thereof.

    Go to shows. Shows are important, and all scene kids know everything about their music. If you know some local bands, be their friends, and brag about it.

    Wear what flatters your body; looking put together and dressing your body well never goes out of style.


  7. Well, "scene" is really more of an individual thing, but if you're going for the thing thats kind of "in" right now, I'd suggest learning how to do a smokey eye, get a "new mullet"- lots of shaggy layers on top and thinning out towards the bottom, and wear skinny jeans, and know your stuff about Jeffrey Starr and other emo-scene-ish people.

    This article is helpful too:

  8. First get the scene hairstyles and then get some skater clothes  

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