
How do I put BLOG on My Site??

by  |  earlier

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No I am not referring to the simple "create blog" thingy on blog hosts.

I made a personal HTML website and I want to see my blog on it.

is it possible? how? I want it updating too, the same way and the same time as I post new blogs on

my blogspot.

if anyone here knows, please tell me the steps and details

how to do it.. I'm now using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, and my sit host is

I need it badly. please...




  1. What are we talking about, specifically? Doing the entire blog FROM your site? Or pulling in blog posts from an active remote blog somewhere else?

    If the former, then all you need to do is install blogging software on your server. There are many popular free open-source options, like Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress. WordPress is the easiest to configure and use (though not the most powerful).

    If on the other hand we're talking about an external blog, then it will depend on two things, and the procedure is quite a bit more complex...

    1) The external blog needs to support RSS feeds (most do).

    2) Your host needs a scripting language like PHP (again, most do) and the ability to schedule CRON tasks (some hosts let you, some won't). Again, you'll need software that can pull in RSS feeds, called an Aggregator. Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress all have that ability. Or you'll need to find a script that will aggregate RSS for you, or write one from scratch.

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