
How do I put Eyeshadow On my Lower part of my eye?

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Like on the lower lid where my bottom eyelashes on.




  1. Easy

    use the tip of your eyeshadow brush

    and just run it along the rim

    the brush needs to be little so it will only go along the rim and not further

  2. You can go to avon or ulta and buy a specific brush that is made to do it! and you can talk to the make-up artist there. It is really to hard to describe you really have to show someone!

  3. Get like an eyeliner brush and put it on subtly.

  4. Heres a website

    It doesnt seem hard though just get the brush and get the shadow and go along your bottom eyelashes

  5. you are not supposed to put eyeshadow there...cuz it would look bad...but if you do it the same way you do when you put eyeshadow on your upper eyelid...what other way would you do it?...aka-why are you asking if there is only one way???

  6. using an eyliner brush is the easiest way u can get one at any drugstore for under 5 dollars n you can wet (dampen) ur eyeliner brush a little n then dip it in ur eyeshadow n apply(same on the other eye) youtube also has tutorials is this doesnt work 4 u......gud luk!!

  7. Use a shadow brush with slanted bristles.. make sure its quite thin, so you wont have a thick messy line .. making the brush a bit damp helps alot !!  

  8. use an angled brush and apply it. then use a qtip to clean up any excess and get the exact width youwant.

    whatever you do..dont use your fingers. the more you use your fingers around your eyes the more you stretch out the skin and you'll be sorry for it later. if you need to apply primer or stretch out your eye for liner or shadow..use your ring finger. its the weakest finger and will pull the least

  9. i use a lipstick brush and brush it on from the outside of the lid in, don't over do it.

  10. So this is how i do it and suggest to do it

    take a small thin brush dab it into some water

    stroke it across your eye shadow then line it across the bottom part

    of your bottom lashes then get a q-tip and use it to make the

    line to look less harsh, hope this helps.

  11. I just use my fingers. Put it on the tip of your finger and run it under your lashes. Tah dah.

  12. I use the smudging brush on the end of my eyeliner. Works great!

  13. use the edge of your eyeshadow applier

    or you can buy a special one wich is like thinner then the normal eyeshadow applier and like half the size of it.

    it works nice.

  14. i use an angled eyeliner brush.

  15. I used to have this problem when I tried to put liquid eyeliner below my lower lashes. You have to get a special brush that will go under your lashes so you can get right under them and apply the shadow with more precision.

  16. How? Just take the tip of the eye shadow wand, and draw a very thin line lke eye liner, make sure you go in the same shape of your eye for that way it blends. Very pretty.

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