
How do I put an MRI brain into Talairach coordinates?

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I have a set of 60 DICOM files which are from an MRI scan. I've segmented the brain from the skull. I want to put the brain in Talairach (stereotaxic) coordinates. How do I do it? Is there some open-source software (or non-open source) that will do it for me?




  1. I don't think there is software that will do this for you, but I may be mistaken.

    To do this, you have to define your origin, or you might say the zeroes for x,y,z. The Talairach coordinate system is defined by making two points, the anterior commissure and posterior commissure, lie on a straight horizontal line. Since these two points lie on the midsagittal plane, the coordinate system is completely defined by requiring this plane to be vertical. Distances in Talairach coordinates are measured from the anterior commissure as origin.

    I don't think there is software for this as it would have to pick out the anterior commissure.

    Once you have your zero defined, you can use the measurements in mm to define coordinates (software like mricro will give you these).

    Use this for a reference:

    good luck!

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