
How do I put items on my neopet?

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On can someone tell me how I put items on my neopet it's name is Benny and it's a Kyrii species?




  1. put them into your closet, then go to your closet. instructions are all in there

  2. go to your pet page and put the items on it or try going to the FAQs

    thank you.

  3. 1. Make sure that the items you have are wearable. This is known when you look at the item in your inventory, it says (wearable).

    2. Next, put it in your "closet".

    3. Make Benny your "active" neopet. Under the icon on your left, there is a link "customise". Click it.

    4. You can have two views of the items your pet can wear. At the top, you will see "Item View" and (i) Closet and (ii) Applied. For CLOSET, these are the items your pet can wear. For APPLIED, these are the items your pets are wearing.

    5. Just double-click the items in CLOSET to put it on your pet. To remove it, make sure your view is as "Applied" and double click it to remove.

    6. Save changes.

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