
How do I put my unborn baby up for adoption?

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I was sexually abused by someone I don't even know, now I am pregnant by the guy who I don't even know how to get ahold of! I can't raise this one, it's not right, I don't want to go into specifics, but all I know is I want to put the baby up for adoption to a family who can't have kids of thier own who can provide a better life for him or her than I can. I'm young, single, no income I just feel pretty bad and I would be happier knowing my baby is being taken care of better than I can, I know there's people out there who want to have a child of thier own so bad, I know I am the one who can make thier hopes come true, I'm from Michigan and would like to know where do I start? Who do I call?




  1. I would like for you to contact me and I will do my best to help you. email me I will try to answer your questions and help you find what ever it is you need. I would also be up for adopting your baby. I have 3 oldest kids from a previous abusive relationship. I have raised my 3 kids without the help of their father. I am in a relatioship with a wonderful man and we can not have children and I would love for us to be able to share all there is to raising a child together. He is wonderful to the 3 I already have and we would like to complete our family with adopting a newborn. Please contact me if you would like to. thank you for your time.


  2. if you are interested in a private adoption, please email me on
    Thank you and take care.

  3. I  was given up for adoption when I was an infant. It was the most loving and unselfish thing my mother could have ever done for me. I was given such a gift and my life was forever changed. I was able to get a college education and be very successful. My family who adopted me were able to provide me with everything my mother wasn't able to because she was young. The most important thing in adoption is finding a couple who has a strong family, financially secure to offer your child and education and everything else they will ever need, and a house that has love beyond words to give!!!

    I always knew I was adopted and every day I am so thankful and feel so blessed for the life she allowed me to have. I can only say that it is a hard thing to do, but I am proof that pure love of a birthmother can open doors for the future for their child.

    My husband and I are now in the process of wanting to adopt. We have an amazing life and I want to give back, what was given to me. If I can help you in any way please let me know. I wish you the very best and if you ever want to talk you can contact me



  4. My mom has been wanting to adopt for a very long time.She has tried adopting a foster child but they say its not good to bring a baby in a single parent home. My dad died in 9/11 and I think my mom has done a pretty
    good job raising me so far, I will be starting college next fall, I have been an honor student thought high school, anything I have ever needed or wanted I have gotten, I have a very loving family. I don't think there is anything wrong with being a single parent. I think as long as you can provide love, support, and a good stable home for a child, then that should be good enough. I think its totally wrong that if you have, well lets just say $50,000 in your pocket that guaranties you a baby, I mean we have money, but what makes a person with lost of money more capable with raising a child? IT DOSENT, BUT LIFES NOT FAIR! My mom has also tried Inverto and that didn't work. She has had many compilations with getting pregnant.

    Please if you haven't already made up your mind, it won't hurt just to call: (863)-514-8351, the reason why my mom is not the one writing this message, is because she has pretty much lost all hope, but deep down inside I still feel there is a baby out there for my mom. I would love to just be able to tell my mom that I found her a baby, we don't care about race,COLOR IS ONLY SKIN DEEP, ITS ALSO HOW YOU LOOK AT IT. or if its a girl or boy .I so much want to be a big sister, it hurts me so bad to see 14 girls in my high school walking around with big belles and talking about starting a family, when my mom at 40 years old can't get pregnant.



  5. please contact me, im one of those who can not have my own children and its an awful feeling. im a wonderful person and full of love to give. my husband and i was heartbroken when we found out so please help me. contact me at asap please and thanks for being so caring and thoughtful for those of us who cannot have babies.

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